Chapter 43

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Felix took a shower, scrubbing his blonde hair gently. He let out a happy sigh, cleaning off his body that felt very psychically exhausted from the night before.

He took his time to thoroughly clean his body, starting from his hair down. His mind pondered while he showered, worrying about what the day had in store for him.

Chan's suspension was going to be over in two days, yet that felt like an eternity. Felix had to basically protect himself from all the harassment from Minho and Jisung. Felix couldn't help but think of the irony of how Jisung went from being bullied to being a bully himself.

Jisung's harsh words started to run through Felix's mind like crazy. He didn't know what hurt more, Minho's words or Jisung's. He felt as though Jisung's would hit a little more close to home given his parents are the exact same way.

Felix let out a small huff, his nice shower slowly turning not so nice. He loved all that he was doing with Chan, he couldn't get enough, but when he thought about it he knew the people close to him wouldn't agree.

He knew his parents would never approve, people like Minho and Jisung would torment him endlessly, and most importantly his sins would probably never be forgiven.

It was the unfortunate reality of the situation, and Felix knew he could only run from it for so long. Ideally, he would live in a world where the people around him loved and supported him endlessly, never to hear a bad thing about any choice he made.

The sound of the door opening caught his attention, opening the curtain ever so slightly to be greeted with a naked Bang Chan. His cheeks flushed almost immediately. Seeing him naked wasn't a new experience, yet it always felt like one each time it happened.

Felix couldn't help but notice the small smirk on Chan's facial features. "Move over." He said, snaking his way into the shower with Felix.

"Maybe you can skip one more day." The older spoke, tilting his head back while the water covered his body. Felix's cheeks flushed an even darker red, remaining quiet while he watched the scene before him.

Chan's hair looked a bit longer when wet, silver earrings swaying while he leaned his head back into the water. His moaned softly from the hot water, Adam's apple bobbing up and down in the process.

Felix couldn't help but awe at the sight, all his overthinking being put to a temporary halt. He couldn't help but stare at how the water ran down his flawless skin, making his body glisten in the light.

Chan ran his fingers through his hair before leaning his head back down to lock eyes with Felix. Felix quickly looked away as to not seem like a creep, softly coughing in the process.

"Staring at me?" Chan seductively asked with cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Y-yes... I was." Felix admitted, arousal increasing with each second they held eye contact. Chan's smirk only doubled in size when he saw Felix's boner.

"You must really like me." He softly said, pulling the blonde into a kiss. Chan's lips felt softer due to the water that was on them. The kiss set off nothing but sparks in Felix's body, mind, soul, and heart. The blonde couldn't help but pull Chan closer in by his waist.

The brunette gently pushed him onto the shower wall, hands gently wrapped around his neck while they made out. Soft moans escaped both their lips, members making contact every so often with just a subtle sway of the hips.

Chan had immediately erased all the bad that Felix had been thinking about. Chan made Felix feel better, and that fact in itself made the blonde addicted to him even more. Chan was the glue that held him together.

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