Chapter 7

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Felix waited patiently by the main entrance to the school, growing more nervous each second. He should be on the bus going home instead of waiting to be taken to this strange kid's house. His parents would definitely be disappointed in him and his actions if they found out.

He's never taken such a risky gamble before, not even for Hyunjin who asked to hang out one day after school. Felix was unsure on why he was willing to risk it all when it came to Chan. He didn't know if it was because of his strong interest in the boy and his life, or if he was just a weird creep.

The blonde had a small pout on his face, checking the time on his watch while students flooded out of the school building. The bell had rang nearly ten minutes ago and Chan was no where to be found.

The buses had definitely left by now, leaving him stranded with no ride home. If Chan stood him up, what exactly would he do to get out of this situation? He had no friends with reliable vehicles and his parents didn't get off of work until two hours from now. Not like that would matter anyway, he had no phone to contact them.

Right when Felix was about to give up, a tall dark figure walked through the school doors, earbuds in his ears while wearing a blank expression. Felix couldn't help the smile that plastered his face, hiding his features with the sleeve of his button down in hopes of not seeming creepy.

Chan made his way to the small blonde, pulling out his car keys and walking towards his car. "H-hey!" Felix called out, voice falling silent when Chan didn't respond. The kid didn't even bother taking out his earbud upon acknowledging Felix's existence. Felix couldn't help the frown on his face. Did Chan not learn what manners were?

Felix awkwardly scurried behind Chan, making his way to Chan's car that he was oh so curious about. Felix couldn't help but wonder what kind of car he drove, what color it was, all things in between.

The pair made their way to a white 2021 Toyota Camry, Felix's mouth dropping wide at the vehicle. How could a high school student drive something so nice? Chan unlocked the doors, not saying a word while hopping into the car. Felix climbed into the passengers seat, amazed with how clean the car was.

He didn't get into many people's cars, but he always heard about the stereotypes of how most people kept their cars messy with empty McDonald's cups and food wrappers. There was a black little tree that hung from the rear view mirror that let off a sweet scent that filled the car.

Felix didn't dare ask questions, though he had been aching to for so long. The blonde sat there awkwardly, glancing from the window to Chan every now and then. It was obvious Chan was a man of very few words, not even bothering to speak unless he found it necessary.

The older man focused on the road, music blasting while he did so. Felix's ears rang with the loud music, something much different from what he was used to. The blonde was used to listening to the organ at church and nothing more. He wasn't allowed to listen to music because his parents said it would corrupt his head.

The music was loud, something Felix didn't particularly hate or enjoy for that matter. The radio displayed the song name and title while he drove. The song was called 'Phantom Bride' by a band by the name of Deftones. It sounded very loud, but Felix was sure it was something he could grow to like if exposed to it more.

Felix's eyes locked onto the figure driving the car. His eyes were focused on the road, earrings dangling with every sway of the car. His right hand operated the steering wheel while his left rested on the car door. Felix couldn't help but notice the painted nails on the boy. They were painted black, some of the polish chipped.

Chan was so fucking cool. Felix couldn't believe he was actually in the car with somebody so amazing. The possibility of Chan being a psycho getting ready to murder him was there, but he couldn't care less.

The drive felt like it was taking forever, how far did he actually live from the school? Chan pulled into a fancy neighborhood with a nice apartment complex down the road. They pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex, Felix marveling at the neatly trimmed grass and pretty buildings.

Chan's parents must be wealthy, no way could they afford such a nice car and apartment if not. "Wow... It's so nice here." Felix oooed and ahhed, staring at everything like a kid at a toy store. The brunette only spared him a glance before turning off his car and grabbing his belongings, walking to the building. Felix followed suit, admiring the beautiful scenery.

Felix didn't particularly have bad living conditions, his house was nice but it was very old fashioned. Chan's place was much more modern and Felix preferred that look more.

Chan's keys jingled while they walked to the second floor of the complex, stopping in front of a blue door like many others. Felix watched the brunette unlock the door, stepping inside and setting down his belongings. Felix felt his mouth drop open for the second time. The apartment was small but spacious at the same time.

The walls were a dark grey, decorated with pictures of dark scenery. The living room was complimented with black furniture and white Christmas lights. The kitchen was also connected to the living room, stainless steel and black appliances complimenting the very neat living space.

Everything looked so expensive and nice, Felix's eyes wondering around like a child in a store for the second time that day. "Your place is so nice." The blonde marveled, pushing up his glasses while setting his bookbag down on the ground.

"L-let's get to work!" He quickly said upon checking the time. His time was crunched but he was going to make it work.

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