Chapter 72

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Goldenstreak felt prodding at her side. She opened one eye and saw Nightstream.

"Get up, it's time for dawn patrol." She said. Goldenstreak yawned and stretched, then she followed Nightstream.

Outside the air was crisp and cold. The wind blew around the leaves and made Goldenstreak shiver. She ruffled up her fur against the wind. The leaves on the trees had turned orange brown and were beginning to fall off, creating mounds of leaves.

Goldenstreak ran and jumped into one mound. The leaves scattered when she landed. They crunched loudly under her feet. Goldenstreak watched as the wind picked up and blew some leaves into the air. With a burst of energy she swatted at the leaves floating around and tried to grab them out of the air.

"Will you stop acting like a kit and come on already." Frostfang said with a irritable tone. Nightstream didn't say anything, there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. Goldenstreak prickled with embarrassment. She ran over.

"Sorry." She said. Frostfang led the way.

The forest was alive with sounds. Mostly prey crunching on leaves. Goldenstreak wanted to go hunt but this was a border patrol. Border patrols weren't usually energetic because there weren't many cats near by, only Iceheart's rogues.

Goldenstreak sniffed. Mouse scent flooded her nose. She instinctively went into a hunting crouch. Slowly she crept forward.

"Goldenstreak!" Goldenstreak jumped. She looked around and saw Frostfang and Nightstream watching her. Goldenstreak got hot. She was acting like a mousebrained apprentice! Nightstream appeared to detect her embarrassment.

"Well this isn't a hunting patrol but I think it would be fine if we hunted a bit. No sense of passi up the opportunity of a good catch." She said. Goldenstreak looked at her gratefully. Frostfang shrugged.

"Why don't you catch that mouse you were after." He suggested. Goldenstreak took his advice and sniffed. She pinpointed the mouse and crept closer. She saw the mouse nibbling on a seed. Slowly she crept closer. She pounced and snapped its neck. Proudly Goldenstreak held up her catch. Then she realized that both Nightstream and Frostfang where nowhere to be seen. Goldenstreak buried her catch and sat down, waiting for them.

Soon it began to rain. Goldenstreak shivered. Finally Nightstream and Frostfang appeared from the woods, each holding a piece of fresh kill. Goldenstreak stood up and rushed to them.

"Where were you?" She asked. Frostfang looked away shamefully.

"I'm sorry, we got caught up with hunting." Nigtstream apologized. She shivered. Frostfang was staring at Nightstream, making Goldenstreak feel awkward. Nightstream seemed to notice.

"Would should keep going, it's freezing." She said, beginning to walk again.

Just so you know, I updated the spoilers on why Nightstream an Frostfang had taken so long.

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