Chapter 14

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"Wake up Greykit!" Goldenkit called. She was becoming an apprentice that night! Greykit lumbered over.

"What do you want?" He groaned.

"Shall we play?" Goldenkit grinned.

"It's raining if you haven't noticed." Greykit growled. Goldenkit looked out the entrance and saw he was right. It was pouring, thunder roared. Goldenkit frowned, the weather seemed to be like her brother's stormy attitude. Greykit rolled his eyes and left. Goldenkit listened to the sound of the pattering rain.

She was surprised to see Duskpaw run out. He sat in the rain and looked up. Goldenkit slowly went outside.

"Why are you out here?" She asked. Duskpaw shrugged.

"I like the feeling of the rain pattering my flank." He said. Goldenkit thought about it. The rain felt good, not the water part but how it fell on her back in rhythm like a cat was licking her.

"It does feel good." She purred. Duskpaw grinned.

"That's nice, no one else understands."

"Goldenkit! What in StarClan are you doing?" Goldenkit whirled around and saw Honeyfeather staring at her from the nursery entrance.

"Get in her before you get a cough!" She ordered. Goldenkit slumped and padded over. Honeyfeather picked her up and brought her inside. She began to lick Goldenkit's fur.

"It feels nice!" She protested. Honeyfeather didn't listen and kept licking her.

The rain had died down as it got closer to the apprentice ceremony. By dusk it had stopped. Honeyfeather fussed over Goldenkit and Greykit. Goldenkit tried her best to be patient. Finally it was time.

"Tonight, two of our clan's kits have reached their sixth moon and are ready to become apprentices. Greykit step forward." Greykit stepped forward.

"Do you promise to obey the warrior code and your mentor as you prepare to become a apprentice?" Gingerstar asked.

"I do." Greykit said.

"Then I rename you Greypaw until you get your warrior name. Your mentor shall be Flameshadow." Flameshadow stepped forward and touched noses with Greypaw. Then they both stepped back. A shiver went down Goldenkit's spine. It was her turn!

"Goldenkit step forward." She stepped forward.

"Do you promise to obey the warrior code and your mentor as you prepare to become a apprentice?" Gingerstar asked.

"I do." Goldenkit said.

"Then I rename you Goldenpaw until you get your warrior name. Your mentor shall be Cloudpebble." Cloudpebble stepped forward and touched noses with Goldenpaw. Goldenpaw could see the excitement and pride in her mentor's eyes. Then they stepped back.

"Greypaw and Goldenpaw!" The clan chanted. Goldenpaw ran over to Leopardpaw and Shiningpaw.

"Yah! Now we will share a den again!" They purred. Goldenpaw was so excited.

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