Chapter 52

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Goldenstreak ran outside of her den. It had been three moons and Leafbare was at its worst. Gingerstar had just called for a clan meeting. Goldenstreak sat next to Duskpatch. Willowkit and Larkkit were becoming apprentices.

"Tonight, two of our clan's kits have reached their sixth moon and are ready to become apprentices. Duskkit step forward." Larkkit stepped forward.

"Do you promise to obey the warrior code and your mentor as you prepare to become a apprentice?" Gingerstar asked.

"I do." Larkkit said.

"Then I rename you Larkpaw until you get your warrior name. Your mentor shall be Patchclaw." Patchclaw stepped forward and touched noses with Larkpaw. Then they both stepped back.

"Willowkit step forward." Willowkit stepped forward.

"Do you promise to obey the warrior code and your mentor as you prepare to become a apprentice?" Gingerstar asked.

"I do." Willowkit said.

"Then I rename you Willowpaw until you get your warrior name. Your mentor shall be Goldenstreak." Goldenstreak gasped and stepped forward and touched noses with Willowpaw. Excitement was bright in Willowpaw's eyes. Then they stepped back. Goldenstreak was still stunned, she didn't know she was getting an apprentice.

"Larkpaw and Willowpaw!" The clan chanted. Goldenstreak was congratulated by her friends. Then she led her new apprentice out of camp.

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