Chapter 1

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Audience - woooooo J-A-S-M-I-N-E JASMINE!!!!!!
The whole stadium filled with people clapping and chanting my name...

Tanya - thank ya ya'll, I can't describe how happy i m, we started with nothing *tears running down her face* and now i have millions of fans world wide... I never thought I would have come so far... only because of your love and support... i'm standing here in front of you... if it wasn't for you all, I would be not living here but in afterlife... *kneels down while sobbing*

The audience was sad seeing her like this. So they started throwing flower petals towards her and started singing "into your arms" (imagine its by Tanya, even though its by ava max whom i loveeee)

Audience - I'm outta my head, out of my mind oh i, if you let me I'll be out of my dress and into your arms tonight, yeah I'm lost without it, feels like I'm always waiting, I need you to come get me, out of my head and into your arms tonight... toni - a - ight

It looked like true magic. A huuuge stadium filled with more people than the amount of seats, singing a song, showering petals on you and waving your lightstick in the air with such a beautiful co-ordination (imagine its just like a bts stadium😭).

Tanya - oof ya'll, how can you be soooo sweet. I love you allllllll byeeeeee my dearest people

With that she went and stood on a circle which went down like an elevator. She was waving to everybody.

Tanya - woah! It was the best concert of my life!! It was sooo beautiful and my dear fans were singing a song for me.... seriously it wasn't less than magic *jumps in excitement*

Makeup artist - aww you're so cute Tanya *gawking at her in awe*

Tanya had a friendly connection with the people in her agency like makeup artists, producers, all the agents etc. Suddenly someone quietly came in and

??? - BOO!!!
Tanya - you don't scare me Himani *bored*
Himani - oh c'mon why not? *whines like a kid*
Tanya - I told you a million times my brothers always used to scare me when I was little, so I'm not scared anymore (its my story, my cousin brothers live with me and they always scare me😭)

Himani - hmph you're so mean! *pouts*
Tanya - areeee now from what angle am I the mean one?
Himani - you could have acted to be scared
Tanya - nah baby that's your job
Himani - you!!
Tanya - meee!!!
Himani - wow i seriously hate you
Tanya - and I love you *hugs her* (I love to tease my bestie like this🤭)

Himani - fine then you wanna tease me, I'll go to ariana's concert alone *teasingly smirks*

Tanya - what! *immense shock*
Himani - see I have two tickets, but as you don't wanna go I'll take somebody else *smirk widens*

Tanya - don't you dare!!
Himani - try to stop me!! *flees off out of the door*

Okie so that's it I was getting for 1st chapter. I hope you liked it, and I love you byeeeee💜💜

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