Chapter 9

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She saw.... Robin.... her ex..
He saw her and came up to her.

Robin - hey Jas! Long time no see, how have ya been?

Jasmine - hey Robin! I've been awesome, what bout you?
Robin - I've been good aswell

Jasmine - so, what brings you here?
Robin - you remember that we have a collab right?

Jasmine - oh shit! I totally forgot! I'm extremely sorry

Robin - oh no no, don't say sorry, I know you are a forgetful person

Jasmine - atleast don't insult me
Robin - why would I insult you? It's just because you overwork yourself, that's why you forget things

Jasmine - let's start the shoot now hehe
Robin - ya cmon let's go

They shouted till 2 am. When she reach home she was extremely tired. She straight went to her bed and slept.

In the morning she woke up and did her morning routine quickly as she was already late for today's shoot.

She reached the venue and started shooting.

The shooting went on for 5 days until it was fully done.

Now it was supposed to be released next day.

She was chatting with Robin and laughing. Well they ended on good terms so they agreed to be friends that's why.

She was having fun, but didn't know someone was burning with jealousy while watching them.

He approached them

Jungkook - hey Jas, what are you doing?
Jasmine - oh Jungkook? Oh shit! You were going to pick me up right? Sorry I forgot

Robin - you again forgot lmao
Jasmine - this time its your fault
Robin - me? Oh hello, I didn't do anything, it's not my problem girls can't resist me

Jasmine - ya, shut up or I'll slap you with my sandal

Robin's eyes widened

Robin - nooo!! I'm sorry, you're wearing a fucking heel!!
Jasmine - good boy, well I'll take my leave, bye Robin

Robin - bye meet you later

Jungkook put his hand on jasmine's back before glaring at Robin

Jasmine pov:
We sat in the car and he started talking

Jungkook - he's your ex isn't he?
Jasmine - yeah why
Jungkook - why were you talking to him?

Jasmine - we ended on good terms and we are just friends Jungkook

Jungkook - you know I don't like it when you talk to any boy, plus the way he was touching you... I didn't feel he sees you as just a friend *said while driving the car*

Jasmine - are you jealous?
Jungkook - maybe i am
Jasmine - oo~ my baby is jealous
Jungkook - well you should know that I'm Hella angry when im jealous and I'm not letting you slide away easily

Jasmine - what do you mean?

Jungkook - you're getting a punishment when we reach home..... *smirks*

Hey fam!! So here's another chapter cause I didn't had anything to do today and i was feeling inspired so. And let me tell you a thing, next chapter will contain smut. So yeah thats it byeee, meet you in another chapter

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