Chapter 2

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As she was about to run i suddenly gripped her braid, cause her hair are very long (probably a little lower than her ass).

Chrystal - ouch! Why is your target always my hair *whining*
Jasmine - everything's fair in love and war
Chrystal - you little- Ugh! Fine, just leave my hair and I'll give you the tickets *surrenders*

Jasmine - do you think I'm stupid? *raising eyebrows*
Chrystal - I can't with you! *hands her the tickets*
Jasmine - don't forget you are only 2 days older than me and we both are the same sign plus I'm with you since we were 12 so I know you more than anybody

Chrystal - 🙄
Jasmine - 😒
Chrystal - 😛
Jasmine - 🖕
Chrystal - 🖕
Jasmine - 😘
Chrystal - 😍😘
Makeup artist 3 - if you guys are done will you come with me? Somebody is looking for you *smiles at their cuteness*
Jasmine - sure hehehe

They went and saw sakshaat (herself/himself cause they a very respected person) Ariana Grande!!!! (A thing to remember - they're being recorded and they know it)

Jasmine - OMG!! ARIANA?!! IM A VERYY HUGE FANN!!! oh! I'm sorry...

Ariana - no no it's ok! I understand *shines her famous smile*
Jasmine - you're seriously so kind, you never fail to prove that I chose the perfect person as my idol *absolutely in love*

Ariana - oh mi god! I thought I was just a celebrity you love, to you

Jasmine - no no, you're seriously my idol *waving hands side to side in the air*
Ariana - wow, now that feels like a real honour! An idol of worldwide famous THE GREAT JASMINE

Jasmine - pls don't say that, you're sooo lovely *heart eyes shining*
Ariana - aww you're so cute, can i have a thorough look of this beautiful and cute face
Jasmine - pls you're making me blush *hides her face*

Ariana - why hide such a beautiful face blushing, you always do that to us! Today you have to show yourself blushing

She takes jasmine's hand and removes it from her face

Ariana - omg you're looking sooooo adorable *smol jumps*

Jasmine - noooo...

She ran and hides in chrystal's embrace.

Ariana - aww I never thought you could be such a shy baby, how can you be sooooooo cute and prettyyyy awww I'm jealous! *jumping intensifies*

Chrystal - ask me how she is, nobody knows this little baby better than me
Ariana - she actually is a baby *stares at her in amazement*

After a little more shooting they went home.

At the house:
??? - didi!!! (Older sister)
Jasmine - pari!!!! (Fairy)
??? - aradhya?? Kaha gai ye ladki?! (Aradhya?? Where did this girl go?!)
Jasmine - honey masi (used to call your mother's sister), she's with me in the hall
Honey Masi - oh! There you are, you naughty girl!
Aradhya - hehehe
Honey Masi - do you know she's been running away from me since half an hour

Jasmine - but why is she running away?

Honey Masi - you know
Jasmine - ohh, pari why don't you wanna eat food?
Aradhya - cause I don't like dal rice
Jasmine - *gasps* Masi, you made dal rice??
Honey Masi - yeah yeah, I know how much you love it, come to the table

Jasmine - cmon pari let's eat together!!
Aradhya - ok didi!! *sudden excitment*

We sat and started eating. Oh how i loved dal rice, but then I remembered how my mother used to cook for me and take care of me first even if she hasn't eaten anything from morning. Without my consent a tear drop fell from my eye.

Aradhya - didi don't cry... I know you miss bua (sister of your mom's brother) we do too, but pls don't cry... *a tear drop fell from her eyes too*

Jasmine - no my baby don't cry... *hugs her*
Honey Masi - do ya'll want me to cry? Now stop and eat, you kids

We ate and Masi left. I went to my bed, and tried to sleep but...

Ok ya'll that's it for 2nd chapter. I didn't expect it to get 17 views already hehe. But thank you so so much for reading my story. I love ya'll, byeeee💜💜

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