Chapter 12

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We had a perfect wedding with both Indian and Korean cultures mixed. It was a very beautiful day

1 year later our marriage:
I woke up feeling the arms of my love wrapped around me. But something wasn't right... I ran towards the bathroom feeling the need to puke.

I came out having so many thoughts on why this happened. But out of all the thoughts one of them caught my attention. What If I'm....

I quickly took out a pregnancy test and went to the bathroom to check.

I was impatiently waiting for the results. I looked at it and.... positive..

Jasmine - i- a- me- i ca- *sobbing* I'm going to be a mother??

Suddenly jungkook burst open the door and seeing my tears he rushed towards me and took my hand.

Jungkook - why are you crying jagi?
Jasmine - Kook... you-...
Jungkook - me..?
Jasmine - you are going to be a.... *shows him the test*

Jungkook - y-you're p-preg-nant?... i'm- i'm gonna be a father?? *tears flowing*

Jasmine - yes jungkook, you a father and me a mother...

Jungkook picked me up and swirl me around.

Jasmine - aaa stop hahaha
Jungkook - I'm sooooooo happyyy!!!!!

He put me down and kissed me

Jungkook - thank you... thank you soooo much jagi, thank you so much for giving me such a huge gift!

Jasmine - thank YOU, thank you for being with me through the toughest and loving me

Jungkook - let's announce this to our families

We told the news to both of our parents. Jungkook told this to the rest of the bts. It was fun and games until someone came back from the past to haunt us.....

I was going back home in my car when I saw two people fighting. I could barely see their faces. They came in a little light and I saw the face of one person.... Robin..

I quickly got out of car and went towards them.

Jasmine - hey! Hey stop fighting! Robin what are you doing?? Stop it!

Suddenly Robin ran away. Why? Some seconds ago he was fighting with this man and now he ran away?

?? - hey darling... long time no see?

I froze at my spot as I realized who he is... my psycho ex... taylor

?? Pov:
My men called me and told me they found the one I wanted to kill so desperately. I went to that spot to find... her. I smirked seeing they found something much more valuable. As I was going upto them, that Robin guy ran away, but I didn't care anymore as I found the one I wanted to see again so desperately.

Me - hey darling... long time no see?

She was shocked. Turn around sweetheart, I wanna see that beautiful face of yours again.

She slowly turned around and my smirk widened seeing her more hotter than before. But wait!.... she is... fat?

Me - hey cutiepie, more hotter than before but gained a little weight?

Jas - did you forget how I once slapped you with my heel? Wanna feel that again?

Me - uhh no! Pls... that still haunts me

She giggled, uff that giggle of hers. I missed it soo much

Jasmine - anyways, I didn't gain weight, I'm just pregnant

Me - p-pregnant?!! Who's child is it?!!
Jasmine - my husband's
Me - and who is this husband of yours?
Jasmine - don't you see news taylor?
Me - I do... wait!! That bts guy is your husband isn't he?? I saw half of that news

Jasmine - no i gotta go, my husband must be waiting for me

She left.

Me - do you think you can escape from me that easily? No baby, I'll take you with me, no matter what......

What does taylor has up his sleeve?

That's it for this chapter. Bye love you all💜

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