Chapter 5

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Jasmine - yeah sure....
Jasmine - yaar bohot neend aa rhi hai *sad acting* (meaning - ugh I'm so sleepy)

Jungkook - what?
Jasmine - kuch nhi... (nothing)
Jungkook - 나는 이해하지 못한다 (I dont understand)
Jasmine - 아니야 (it means "no" but sometimes people use it to say "nothing")

Jungkook - 한국어 알아? (You know Korean?)
Jasmine - 네 (yes)
Jungkook - 언제부터 한국어를 배우기 시작했습니까? (When did you start learning Korean?)

Jasmine - 내가 12살이었을 때 (when I was 12 years old)
Jungkook - wow, I love it

Jasmine - *smiles at him*

Jungkook pov:
When she smiled at me, my heartbeat increased. I was so nervous about what our first meet would be like. But unexpectedly I was so comfortable around her. This is the first time I'm comfortable around someone in the first meet, specially a girl. Ohhhh her smile... she's soooo pretty, the thing I love about her the most is that she is not even wearing any makeup except for one or two products. All natural, that's what I love. Uff my heart💙, it's beating only for you Jasmine.

Jasmine pov:
I wish I could tell you how much I love you. You are just so irresistible. I want to tell you, but I'm scared about what will your reaction be?

Jasmine, jungkook - I wanna tell you something....

Jungkook - uhhh you go first
Jasmine - you can go first

Jungkook - umm I wanna tell you that.... i-i

Jasmine - you?
Jungkook - I... I love you!
Jasmine - .....what?
Jungkook - I love you...

I was feeling butterflies in my stomach.

Jasmine - you do?...
Jungkook - ya, do you?
Jasmine - oh my god, I.... yes... I love you too!

He was shocked. He came and hugged me. I was hugging him as well.

??? - (clears throat)

We suddenly parted.

Jasmine - h-hey.... you guys are back?

Namjoon - ya, but we were surprised
Jungkook - hyung...

Jin - no need to say anything
Hobi - we approve!

I looked at jungkook, we both laughed and hugged each other.

Namjoon - ok ok you kiddos, not here. What If someone saw you guys, let's go to our cars

We went. Jungkook came in my limo as he wanted to come to my house. We went home.

Jungkook - he did?!
Namjoon - yes kookie, you two enjoy together (imagine they are talking in korean)

Jasmine - did he approve?
Jungkook - yes! I told you bang pd is very kind and big hearted person

Jasmine - I never doubted it

We reached home and:

Jasmine - would you like a room of your own or would you like to sleep with me?

Jungkook - I'm gonna sleep with you
Jasmine - you warmed up to me pretty quickly

Jungkook - I've been wondering that to...
Jasmine - leave it, cmon let's go to the room

We went to the room:

Jungkook - your room is really big and beautiful

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Jungkook - your room is really big and beautiful

Jasmine - *giggles* thanks, I'm gonna go change in the closet, you can change here

Jungkook - I didn't bring any clothes
Jasmine - how would you, you were at the grammys, you can take whatever you like from the closet

Jungkook - you have boy clothes?
Jasmine - ya
Jungkook - why?...
Jasmine - I......

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