Chapter 3

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I tried to sleep but.... i could only think of him...

 i could only think of him

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Jasmine - uf... why do I keep on thinking about you. Stop it tanya stop it

I closed my eyes and tried to stop thinking, within seconds I drifted off to my dreamland...

??? - I love you Tanya!!!! More than anything!
Jasmine - I love you too- wait!!! Don't go!! Wait!!!

??? - I will meet you soon, but this time in real life and don't worry, I will make sure you're only mine in real life *goes*



I'm here on my bed. He was in my dreams again.... uhhh you know how much i love you still you're are torturing me like that. Ugh! Lets go do my daily routine.

I went and brushed my teeth. Then I went downstairs and had some lukewarm water that's very benificial for my throat. Then I went to my gym.

Today was my leg day so firstly i went on treadmill for 15 mins at fast speed. Then I did some more leg exercise (I dont know the name of any, sorry😭) and then went to my room.

I straightly went into the shower and started to bath. Then I went into my walk-in-closet to get an outfit for today:

 Then I went into my walk-in-closet to get an outfit for today:

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Then i went downstairs and saw a clock:

Jasmine - it's 7:30 am, ok we've got some time until my manager pops up

I prepared some egg and toast, ate it and washed to dishes. Suddenly the door bell rang. I went and opened it:
Jasmine - oh hey you're here!
Ms. Smith(assistant) - hey Jas!!! How are ya?

Jasmine - I'm fine what bout ya
Ms. Smith - I'm fine too... tomorrow is the grammy awards and you've got 10 nominations for 10 different awards. The good news is you've got the most votes till now and there's a 99% chance you'll all 10 awards. You really do stand up to your millions of nicknames

Jasmine - woah that's huge

Ms. Smith - you deserve it Jas. Now cmon we have a lot to do today. Firstly you have to collab with elle, they want to do that song association challenge with you

Jasmine - really? I love that challenge so much!!
Ms. Smith - then lets go and complete the this job, after that only preparation for tomorrow is to be done

Time Skip tomorrow evening:

I was in my lambo and going to the grammy awards.

Driver - we're here miss Jasmine
Jasmine - thank you bhaiya(brother)
Driver - it's my pleasure, have a nice evening
Jasmine - you too bye

I got out of my limousine, already hearing thousands of cameras clicking my picture:

I got out of my limousine, already hearing thousands of cameras clicking my picture:

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My gown👆

I was walking whilst answering the questions of the paparazzi. They were constantly asking me questions about when I'm gonna settle down and personal stuff. I just ignore the personal questions and kept on walking, I wan now walking on the red carpet and towards the gathering hall. On my way I met a lot of fans. I gave them autographs and clicked some pictures with them cause I really love my fans. Then I moved on and a reporter stopped me and started asking some questions.

Reporter - hi Ms. Jasmine how are you doing?!
Jasmine - I'm doing awesome what about you Lia?

Lia - I'm also doing great, can we take a minute to adore your blue dress? You literally look like royalty!

Jasmine - thank you so much! You are looking awesome tonight aswell

Lia - thank you! So the first question is, do you think you'll win all the awards you are nominated for?
Jasmine - I dont know, but I'm really happy being here

Lia - that's a nice answer, second question who are you looking forward to meeting the most tonight?

Jasmine - I heard bts are gonna be here
Lia - yeah they are coming
Jasmine - consider it my answer
Lia - you live bts a lot don't you
Jasmine - you have a doubt?
Lia - not at all, third and last question, who is your bias in bts? you've been ignoring this question for a while now, tell us already

Jasmine - it's.......



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