Chapter 14

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1 month went on like this.... taylor actually took care of me well... but I still hate him for what he did to me four years ago....

I was so fucking sad today as I got fired from my job today. But i have to stay happy for him. It's his birthday and I can't be sad

I went to the hall I booked for him to see if the decorations are done.

Jasmine - wow guys! Its so beautifulMaid - thank you mam, it's nearly 11 and I think you should go bring Mr

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Jasmine - wow guys! Its so beautiful
Maid - thank you mam, it's nearly 11 and I think you should go bring Mr. Taylor

Jasmine - yeah I'll be back with him soon, you guys continue

I went back to my car and on my way I picked some of his favourite flowers.

I'm now standing on the doorstep of my house as i live with him but I wanted to surprise him. I opened the door with the spare key I had and went in.

But as soon as I opened it, I heard weird noises from his bedroom.

So without making any noise I went upstairs towards his room and opened it....

The sight in front of me broke my heart into a billion pieces.... he was hooking up with my "so called" bestfriend ayushi...

Taylor - what the actual fuck Jasmine?!! Why did you enter without knocking

Jasmine - you know I never do...

I say with tears in my eyes

Taylor - well you never told me!
Jasmine - I did everytime I barged into your room and you ask me why I didn't knock

Taylor - well whatever! I don't give a fuck anymore! I don't like you anymore and I'm breaking up with you

Jasmine - you're breaking up with me?? NO YOU SON OF A BITCH! I am breaking up with you! And I'm telling you, you'll regret this... YOULL REGRET EVER LOSING ME!

i threw the bouquet on his face and slapped my ex-friend who was naked trying to cover herself up.

I ran out of the house not caring about what's happening around me. I was just a normal person back then so nobody cares what i was doing.

I was running until I felt an awfully sharp pain in my body and everything blacked out.

When i opened my eyes I was laying in a bed and the smell of the medicines rushed through my nose making me realize I was in a hospital room.

?? - oh finally you're awake Ms. Jindal
Jasmine - who are you?..
?? - i'm Robin
Jasmine - robinhood?

Robin - no, Robin Smith
Jasmine - oh!.... sorry doesn't ring a bell

Robin - well, you were running and got hit by my car, so I brought you here

And all the things flushed through my mind. A whole hall decorated for taylor. Finding out he was cheating on me with my own bestfriend and getting hit by a car.

A tear drop rolled through my cheeks.

Robin - ms. Tanya?! Why are you crying??
Jasmine - just realized something...
Robin - and that is...?
Jasmine - why did you save me? I don't deserve to live, first I lost my job... than I find out my boyfriend is cheating on me and than when I finally got a chance to leave.... you brought me here... why? WHY??!!

Robin - please Ms. Tanya calm down, never think you're not worthy cause you are... and as because of me you're here, I'm gonna let you live in my house until you get a stable life

Jasmine - no, don't, you'll only get more burden

Robin - no Ms. Tanya please, let me

After a lot of pleading I finally agreed.

His car was at a very slow speed so it didn't hit me hard and I didn't have much injury so the doctors discharged me.....

Time skip to a few months~
We were really good friends now and started to trust each other a lot. One day i was listening to my favourite song by ariana named "no tears left to cry"

It was so mesmerizing I lost myself in the music and started singing with it.

Jasmine - right now I'm in a state of mind~
I wanna be in like all the time~
Ain't got no tears left to cry~
So, I'm pickin it up I'm pickin it up

I heard a glass drop. I got startled and looked back. Robin was standing there eyes widened and mouth open

Robin - omg, you never told me you were such a good singer!!
Jasmine - really? Taylor always said my voice is horrible...

Robin - stop talking about that piece of shit already

He handed me a poster.

Robin - this huge record label is auditioning for some new talents, your voice is magical and a bonus point is that you also know how to play a guitar, so my advice is girl you go shoot your shot

Jasmine - ok then!

And.... I won! That's where my journey started and now I'm here living with this cruel past of mine.

Please god, help me get out of this hell house!

Suddenly taylor barged in.

Jasmine - since when did you started barging into rooms without knocking

Taylor - I learnt it from a very beautiful woman who is sitting right in front of me

Jasmine - stop buttering me
Taylor - cmon baby *hugs you from behind* forgive me already

Jasmine - why are you here??
Taylor - why? Can't I come to meet you??
Jasmine - taylor please, for baby's sake don't annoy me

Taylor - oh! I'm really sorry baby, so I came here to tell you that.........

That's it for this chapter fellas.

What do you think he wants to tell?

And will Jasmine be able to escape this fake person??

Keep reading to find out...

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