Chapter - 15

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Taylor - I wanted to tell you that we are going shopping for the event that happening tonight

Jasmine - 'we'?
Taylor - yep, you and this little baby is coming with me too

Jasmine - no taylor! What if something happens to me and my baby at that event filled with mafias

Taylor - nothing will happen to you darling it's my promise

Jasmine - ok then.... I trust you baby

His eyes widened. With a big smile he said

Taylor - I'll go prep up!

Then he rushed out. I smirked.

Jasmine - well... 'baby' you forgot that I dated you for 1 whole year. I know a to z things about you....

So how was it?

I managed to fool him

Good job baby
I'll be there with the best officers
To take you home

I'll be waiting hubby❤

Bye love you❤

Love you to

End of text~
Well jungkook planned this with the help of the best hackers and police.

At night~
We were inside a limo going to the direction of the party.

Taylor - Jas...
Jasmine - hmm?
Taylor - I want to tell you something
Jasmine - what is it?
Taylor - so... after you left that day, ayushi went into depression, she felt really bad for not telling you earlier. Seeing her like that made me realize I also did a huge mistake by letting you go.... so the reason behind why I kidnapped you is that I wanted to fix things between us, can't we forget all that and live happily?.....

There were tears in his eyes

Jasmine - listen Taylor.... I understand you but things like this can never be forgotten.... as you know I'm already married... and I love my husband dearly, we can fix it but it'll never be the same

Taylor - I'm up for anything until it's me ayushi and you staying together

Jasmine - do you still love her?...
Taylor - ......
Jasmine - answer me Taylor, do you still love her?

Taylor - dearly....
Jasmine - than why can't you two be a real thing and let me and my husband live in peace, time heals all wounds and with time I'm sure I'll forgive the both of you...

Taylor - means me and her a couple and we all can stay friends?
Jasmine - yeah...

He hugged me

Taylor - I'm so happy! Finally you agreed to still stay in my and ayushi's life *hugging you tightly*

Jasmine - t-taylor...s-stop
Taylor - oh I'm sorry *leaves you* is the baby hurt?? I'm sorry little baby *talking to your tummy*

I giggled. We soon reached the event. We got out and went inside, but instead of blending in with the crowd he took me somewhere.

He took me inside a room which had barely any people there. It looked like a place where everyone was resting.

He took me to a table and someone was sitting there

Jasmine - ayushi?.....
Ayushi - h-hi... jas-mine...

Her small forced smile suddenly turned into a blank face and she broke down. She came to me, hugged me and started crying.

Ayushi - i-im soooooo sorry my dear b-bestie, I never ever ever wanted to break you heart! I'm so so sorry I didn't told you earlier. It wouldn't have had stopped your heart break but atleast would've made it an easier one, I'm so so fucking sorry

She parted, sat on her knees and hold my hands.

Ayushi - l-listen, if you still love Taylor I'll happily leave him, but all I want is you to stay with me, my life completely ruined after you left.... without a person by my side whom I trust more than myself to guide me through all the goods and bads, without someone warning me about bad people and stuff, someone.... someone who loved me as much as you did I completely lost control of myself, please... please forgive me *cries badly*

Jasmine - .....

This chapter was kinda sad wasn't it?

I think I'd be good if they fix everything and live happily, don't you think?

Well that's it for this chapter. I'll meet you again in next chapter

Byee, saranghae💜

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