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"Y'all don't look that bad," Lana states, walking into the room. 10k couldn't stop staring at her. She looked even more beautiful with all the blood and mud cleaned off of her. The Zeros then came into the room and stuffed sacks over their heads.


Lana's P.O.V

Let's see what you have missed. We have escaped the Zeroes in multiple El Cominos. But that didn't last long because we were stranded nowhere, leaning down and looking at the engine. "I think it's dead," Tommy claims. Yea, no shit. It's not like there is smoke coming out of it.

"All right, looks like we're on foot. Grab what you can. Let's hit it." Everybody started moving except for the blue man himself. "Come on, princess."


We stop in a warehouse to eat and stay safe. Considering that the sun has set. Murphy spits out his food in disgust. "This sucks. Even for us, this sucks." I look over at Tommy, who stares out of a hole in the wall at a flock of birds that just took off.


Third Person P.O.V

A young 10k looked at a flock of birds flying by as he cast his line into the water. After catching a couple of fish, he heads back to camp, ready for him and his dad to eat them. Walking on the trail, he notices a park ranger at the top of the hill. But something just was slightly off about her. "Hello?" He takes some steps closer, "Are you okay? Can I help you?"

The woman turns around. Black blood stained around her mouth, and her eyes were milky white. Not to mention the three arrows sticking out of her heart. "Oh, my God." The state trooper starts to hobble her way toward the boy. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Two more Zs come from behind him. "Hey, help, somebody shot this ranger full of arrows. She's in really bad shape."

Realizing that something is wrong, he takes off into a sprint. More and more Z's join the chase for a young 10k. He looks behind him once, runs into a tree, and hits his head. This caused him to roll down a hill and the Zs to chase after nothing.


" Hey. Hey. You need to get up." The boy woke up at the bottom of the hill he just fell down. In front of him sits a girl. "You took a fall. Got quite the cut out of it. But we can patch that up later." Scared out of his mind, not knowing this girl who is saving him and from what happened before, he sits up.


"And there you go, making noise."

"Dad?!" He stands up, looking around now, noticing that his yelling just gave away his location to the Z's. One Z made its way toward the two teens. But stopped when a bullet went into its head.


" Dad! They tried to kill me!"

"Tommy, thank god that you're alive. Grab that weapon and come on." While Tommy grabs the rife from the hunter's back, the girl approaches his father. "Lana Simmons, sir." He nods his head, and all three of them run to safety.


10k looks out the window some more and then looks over to Lana, who is drawing in the dirt to pass the time.

As the group walks on, Lana thinks of her first days of the apocalypse.


Lana's family owned a small patch of land. But they sure did love animals. At the time of the outbreak, they had six of them. When three went missing, Lana and her sibling went to look for them. What they found was the body of one and a man-eating the other. When her older sister went to confront, the man lunged at her and bit her.

After that, it was a blur. She knows her siblings didn't make it back home because she saw them get eaten. So she ran deeper into the woods. That's when she found 10k unconscious in a ditch.


Snapping out of her thoughts, Lana looked up. They finally made it to California.

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