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Back in the truck, 10k looked at Lana holding Lucy. She seemed so happy. He liked seeing her this way. Vasquez caught him staring at her. "I think 10k knows what he wants to use that present for Addy." 10k then blushed in embarrassment.

A small smile came to my face as I looked at Lana. "She said she loved me. "

The team gathers around the car's hood, pulling out all their supplies to count.

"Flashlight. No batteries. Half a bottle of aspirin. Well, I got no ammo. Found this," Doc says while holding up a crowbar.

" I got two batteries and four bullets."

" I got two in my gun and two randoms and those," Addy says while putting a handful of bullets in front of Warren.

"Couple of bullets. Road flares."

"I got one empty clip." Addy then hands over random bullets to see if they fit in 10k's gun.

"I got a couple of randoms. My knife. Half a clip. And that's it." 10k then clears his throat, knowing that Lana has kept one thing a secret from the rest of the group. "Ugh, fine." She takes out her grenade and puts it down on the table. "But it's for emergencies only."

Doc, Murphy, and Lana were looking for food while the others were back in the car. Doc wanted to see if edible tree bark was a thing, so he decided to lick a tree. "Don't eat that tree. Terrible aftertaste."

"Uh, yeah. No shit Doc." As a signal to head out, the car horn was honked.

Let's roll! Come on, Murphy!" Noticing that Murphy was wandering further away from where they were supposed to be, Lana followed him.

As Doc returns to the car, Warren notices that Murphy and Lana aren't with him and asks where they are. "Right behind me. Dammit, Murphy!"


Back in the woods, Murphy approaches a brain hanging by a string. "Ew, is that real?" That's when he realized Lana was beside him, ready to shoot anything that came at them. Lana could tell it was a trap when he reached for it. "Murphy, don't!" But it was too late. The door opened underneath them, and they both fell into the hole. It closed back up, leaving behind Murphy's cowboy hat.

Lana wakes up to two pieces of brain falling on her face. Not knowing what is happening, she looks up to see a Z eating a brain right over her. Pulling out her knife, she gets ready to plunge it into the Z's skull until Murphy stops her. "I'm the only thing keeping that thing from eating you at the moment," he muttered. She put her knife away and sat down in the corner.

The group walks the perimeter of the woods, pissed that they lost their mission and one of their own. "I'm gonna be really pissed if my last words are "Murphy, where are you?" At this point, 10k was also pissed, but he was upset that Lana was with him.

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