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As we approached our destination, I read the sign in the back of the truck

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As we approached our destination, I read the sign in the back of the truck. "Surrender all weapons? Are they serious?" I ask, looking at Mack. He only responds with a "looks like it." Warren looks at Garnet...

"What do you wanna do?"

"Their town, their rules. Looks like we don't have a choice."

We drive to the gates as three guards run before us, drawing their guns.

"Stop right there! This is a private compound. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around and go back the way you came," she yelled at us as Garnett stepped out of the truck, his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

"I'm looking for Major Williams. Joe Williams."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Sergeant Charles Garnet, Georgia National Guard. We've known each other going back to pre-z." The female guard looks back at the other two to see if she should believe him.

"Wait there. Your crew stays in the truck. They try to get out, or we see a weapon, we'll fire."

Garnett nods his head in agreement. Soon, a man walks out with a green hat, brown button-up shirt, and dark blue pants coming in front of us.

"Well, holy shit. It's the ghost of Charlie Garnett. Never expected to see you again. At least not alive."

"Hey, Joe. Didn't expect to see you again either. Looks like we're both still standing."

"Looks like. Last time I saw you, you were pulling my ass out of a ditch full of Z's."

"Just returning the favor. How many Z's we kill that day?"

"Not enough."


We had to hand over all our weapons to get into the camp. They took all my stuff, even the chain. After that, the Major gave us a tour of the camp where we were allowed to eat. I eat my apple as I look at the kids returning from that cult. I saw someone sitting beside Mack, shoving his face full of food. "I have a bad feeling about those three," they say as she sat down.

"And who exactly are you, and why are you talking to us," Murphy asks.

"The name's Lana. I got here before you guys did. It's too good to be true."

Just then, the girl returning from the cult got up and left. I stood up and went to follow her.

"Nice to meet you too," I heard Lana say as I followed the cult girl.

As I followed her, I looked down a hallway and saw her crouch next to a door and walk off. Walking up to that door and pushing it open, I saw a slab of wood holding it open. Following her to the front gates, I saw her limping and holding her stomach. As I step forward, I hear a snap from underneath my feet. Underneath my foot is a cross? She then collapses at the front gate while the guard asks her if she's all right.

I open the bottom of the cross to reveal a small blade covered in blood. The guard rolled the girl to her side to help her, but it was too late. The girl turned and bit into the guard's neck. It got to the point where I was sprinting away from Z's and heard banging and yelling on the other side of a door. It was blocked with a giant cross. I moved the cross, and the door flew open, revealing the group's other half.

"10k," Warren yelled happily. "How do we get out of here?"

"I've been using the roofs to move. The cult freaks are in the compound.Armed."

Warren asked about Murphy, but we said we would find him later after we had our weapons. So we went running to the roof, but we were stopped halfway. The cult member told us to "raise our hands to the heavens, or I will resurrect you where you stand." Instead of doing that, I grabbed Cassandra, and we ran off, missing the bullets fired at us.

The group was kneeling in front of a cage full of Z's. I walk down a hallway trying and see one of those cult freaks with a gun. He looks behind him, but I hit him in the face and take his weapon. Running someone was running towards me. I held the gun, waiting for someone or something to come around that corner. Finally, a tall girl with brown eyes and brown hair runs around the corner. She stops with her hands in the air when she realizes she is being held at gunpoint.

" Whoah, hey, it's me, Lana," she says.

And then I remember the girl from the cafeteria. I was so focused on the cult kids that I didn't even see who she was. I put the gun down and nodded at her.

"10K." I nodded at her.


Garnett was dead. He took a bullet for Murphy. Warren had to mercy him after he turned with my gun. In the commotion, Lana had jumped in the back of the truck.

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