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Season 2 bitches!

Plus Lana's season two outfit is above. She still has the same weapons.

 She still has the same weapons

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So here is what you missed. We went to the lab that Citizen Z told us to go to. While there, we had to decontaminate to get in, and I saw Tommy naked. Cassandra's leg became infected again, and she wouldn't make it. Murphy triggered a bunch of nukes to go off. One of them hitting the lab. In the panic over everything, I got separated from everyone else.

While I was separated from the group, I ran into another one. This group had an eighteen-wheeler all armored up for the apocalypse, plus four other cars to accompany it. We were driving through a valley at the moment. I told Sam not to, and his response was, "What do you know? You're just a kid?" The reason was that you usually travel through a valley and get ambushed. And that is precisely what happened.

I was in the sniper cage at the top of the truck. My loose hair blew in the wind. Then all hell broke loose. We got ambushed. I was shooting people on bikes left and right. I didn't even notice that someone was helping us. "Hey. Nice to meet ya'll. We also have a sniper on our team. Simmons," I hear Recking Ball yell my name. I climb down the truck and run up to him.

"These are the people that saved us in the ambush." I look over, and there he is. Tommy. "Hey, 10k looks like it's your girlfriend." Tommy glares at Doc as he comes up to me. "Nice hair."

"Thanks." I pull him aside so we can talk. Then, putting my hand in my belt pocket, I pull out my new favorite weapon. "Look what I got." "Where did you get a grenade?"

"Doesn't matter, but I can only use it in an emergency." I stuffed the grenade back into my belt and hugged Tommy. Recking Ball walks over to Murphy, offering him water but calling it 'hydration.' In front of us, I can see Warren, Addy, and some other guy. "Hey, guys. You miss me?" Addy turns around and gives me a huge bear hug while Warren smiles. The guy I don't know draws his gun, not knowing who I am.

After the men flipped the car in the road back over, we all got back in our vehicles. Tommy heard something and spun around with his eye on the scope of his sniper. I didn't see anything. "That was so hot," I whisper to myself. But I forgot that Addy was next to me. She nudged my side with her eyebrows raised. I brush her off and climb onto the peak of the eighteen-wheeler.

We were ambushed again. This time, they went for the car in front of the truck. Knowing how much that car meant to Sam, I handed my gun over to Tommy. "Cover me." I jumped up and followed Cassandra onto the vehicle. She ripped out a guy's throat that was trying to get it. I was going to help Doc and Wrecking Ball, but they jumped out at the last minute. Leaving the men to take the car with all our water in it. With me on the roof and Cassandra on the back still ripping out that guy's throat.

As we sped away from the guys, I took out my knife. I went into the rolled-down window of the driver's side and stuck it in the guy's eye, thus causing him to crash into a fence post, which sent me flying and hitting my head hard-knocking me out.

 I went into the rolled-down window of the driver's side and stuck it in the guy's eye, thus causing him to crash into a fence post, which sent me flying and hitting my head hard-knocking me out

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Almost an hour later, we pull up next to the stolen car that those men took with Cassandra and Lana on top of it. I look through my scope to see Cassandra surrounded by bodies and covered in blood. Running off of the truck, I ran over to her. "Cassandra? You in there?"

"Oh, um. You got a little something right here," Doc says as he pulls a tomahawk out of her lower back. Looking around, all I see are bodies. Most of them were dismembered, but I did not see Lana. "Where is Lana, Cassandra?" She sniffs the air and runs over to the front of the car that crashed into the fence. Lana lay there covered in blood but couldn't tell if it was hers or someone else's.


Her hair came out of its neat bun and was tangled everywhere. I picked her up and brought her over to the truck. Warren, Vasquez, and Sam were arguing. Sam wanted to go to Edmonton. But Warren wished to return for the sick people he had left behind. Dabbing a wet cloth on her face, I washed off some of the blood. A gash spread across her forehead. Her eyes flashed open. "There you are. I missed those brown eyes." She smiles at me and sits up. "Let's kick some ass."

The new and improved 'blasters' have chased us back on the road. "Here they come." The blasters take over the trucks one by one. Sam refused to leave with us. I grabbed Lana's hand. I looked at her, and she nodded at me. Then, we both jumped off the truck with the rest of the group.

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