Ello I gotta give credit to wildernessj8 she made most of these anyway. But they were too hilarious no to post. Not to be taken seriously towards the character it's just for a laugh. XD ~LW4EG
J- ackass
A- rrogant
C- ocky
E- laborate
H- ot
E- verything
R- apist Fuse
O- verly conceited
N- aughty Much
D- amn Hot
A- sshole 4 Life
L- oveable
E- vil Ducks
TMI and TID Stories and Poems
FanfictionHere's my collection of stories, poems, and whatnot for one of my favorite set of books. These aren't mean to be extremely good or anything, they're just simple things I wrote on the top of my head. Either way I hope you enjoy them. G.O. (Characters...