Chapter 6:It's An Ambush!

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I had a rude awakening to see Wilbur shaking my shoulders.

"WAKE UP LUNA!" The tall brunette screamed.

"W-What's going on!?" I asked as I looked around frantically. "Why's there so much smoke!?"

"IT'S DISTRICT 2, 5, AND 7!" Wilbur yelled as a dart went flying in between the 2 of us. "CRAP, THEY FOUND US! WE NEED TO GO NOW!"

Wilbur and I both started to run across the treetops.

"WHERE'S EVERYONE ELSE!?" I questioned as I looked back to see the man with a mask behind us, along with the pink-haired man and the brunette with the darts.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Wilbur said as he threw some dynamite behind us. "I TOLD THEM TO RUN AND TO NOT LOOK BACK!"

The dynamite that Wilbur threw didn't do much but just scatter the 3 behind us a little bit. Up ahead, I could see a bunch of mushrooms growing on the trees. I quickly pulled out my bow as I pulled an arrow from my bag. I shot when I saw the slightest movement. A gunshot sound went off and when Wilbur and I passed by where I shot at, I could see the brunette from District 2, lying on the ground with an arrow going through his neck.

"RUN FASTER!" Wilbur screamed as he grabbed my wrist.

"WHY!?" I yelled as I looked back at the 3 following us.

I could see that the mask's eyes on the tall blonde were glowing red. When I say glowing red, I mean you could see it from the opposite side of the arena.

"YOU JUST KILLED HIS BEST FRIEND!" Wilbur said as he looked around for somewhere that we can hide. "HE'S THE WORST PERSON THAT YOU CAN PISS OFF!"

Wilbur pulled me down to the ground as we hid behind a big tree. He placed his hand over my mouth as we watched the 3 men, one by one, run past us. Once we couldn't see them anymore, Wilbur removed his hand as he exhaled.

"You almost just singlehandedly killed us," Wilbur said as he punched me in the arm.

Two more gunshots sounded, so I pulled out the book and my heart just sank.


District 2, GeorgeNotFound, was shot with an arrow through the neck by District 12, Luna. 1 District 2 player remains. 13/24 players standing.

District 7, Sapnap, was beheaded from daggers up by District 3, TommyInnit. 1 District 7 player remains. 12/24 players standing.

District 12, Foolish Gamers, was stabbed in the heart with a katana by District 5, Philza. 1 District 12 player remains. 11/24 players standing.


I just stared at Wilbur as tears came to my eyes.

"Come here," Wilbur said as he pulled my face into his chest. "You'll be okay. Everything will be okay."

I couldn't help but just cry. Wilbur stroked his fingers through my hair as we heard a group of people coming towards us. It was Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. When I noticed that Tommy had Foolish's trident in his hand, he placed it down next to me. I just smiled as I looked up at Ranboo. He looked like he was in pain.

"Ranboo?" I asked as I looked at Ranboo.

"I don't feel so good..." Ranboo said as he collapsed.

We all froze because we could see about 20-30 darts sticking in his back. I started to shake as Tubbo threw a grenade into the trees. When the grenade went off, a gunshot also sounded.

"R-Ranboo," I whispered as I touched Ranboo's arm.

Ranboo started to cough up blood and I completely shut down. I couldn't help but flip him over and pull his head onto my lap.

"Y-You'll be okay Ranboo," I said as tears dripped from my face and landed on his.

"I-I don't want to die," Ranboo whispered as he grabbed Wilbur's hand.

"You're not gonna die," Wilbur said in a panic.

I looked at Tommy and Tubbo who were both hugging each other as they looked away.

"I-I'm gonna die," Ranboo whispered as he started to pull at his mask that was covered in blood.

Ranboo had already knocked off his glasses and I could see tears rolling down the sides of his face as he continued to try and pull down his blood-covered mask. Before he could get the mask off, his hand fell to the side as his breathing slowed. Wilbur's grip tightened as he placed his free hand over his face.

"I-I'm sorry," Ranboo said as his head fell to the side.

A gunshot sounded and Tubbo screamed as Tommy pulled Tubbo's head into his chest. Wilbur let go of Ranboo's hand as he went to the side of one of the trees. I could hear gagging and coughing sounds coming from Wilbur. I just looked at Ranboo as I placed my hand over his eyes and closed them. I looked to my side to see his glasses. I just picked them up as I placed them on his face. I reached over to a bush as I picked a small purple flower. I placed the flower in his hair and I moved out from underneath him. I gently placed his head on the ground as I walked over to Wilbur and placed my hand on his back...


District 7, Karl Jacobs, was blown up with a grenade by District 1, Tubbo. 0 District 7 players remain. 10/24 players standing.

District 1, Ranboo, was stabbed by darts and bled to death by District 7, Karl Jacobs. 1 District 1 player remains. 9/24 players standing.

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