Dogs do not love Yelena

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Look, wishing you don't have a normal life is great, amazing and it does make sense. Most people, including me at that time would wish they were doing something interesting, even if it meant having a weird life that was full of crazy and insane things.  At the very least, something that didn't follow your daily routine. 

My name is Selene Martinez. 

As a kid, I'd always thought that being normal was boring. I thought that going through the exact same routine was horrible, and wished that I could do something that was out of the world. 

Don't wish it- because that's when the bad things happen. I know it from experience, I know that everything in a person's life is boring and they want things to happen, because who doesn't like action or chaos? 

But don't wish it. For every wish comes with a consequence and that's when you'll regret it.

That is when you will wish that the time you wanted something was gone. But that wish won't be granted. Because when something happens, it happens and you can't go back on it.



Selene Martinez let out a startling burst of laughter and when everyone turned to look at her, her expression turned into one of pure innocence. Selene was quite good at that look on her face by now and it was proof as everyone immediately looked outside the window.

They assumed that someone from there had shrieked and Selene was back into a shadow at the back of the class. Well, a very high pressured shadow as she had a very high amount of ADHD. Selene knew that as soon as possible, she would be running out into the field, and jumping everywhere she could. Not outside the school boundaries as the last time that happened, well it didn't go that well.

She looked back at the letter that was written by her closest friend, (not that she had many, but Selene elected to ignore that) Yelena Ivanov. Yelena was around a few years older than her, but the closest friend Selene had ever had. Letters were unusual, but Yelena gave them to her in break time, so that she had time to read it and that she couldn't chat with a girl who never shared classes with her. 

As the letter finished, Selene was biting on her tongue hard, trying to restrain the bubble of laughter in her throat. Yelena might be an overall secretive person, but she was just like Selene. Working from the shadows, innocent faces and made people think that someone else did it. 

Yelena had often commented that it was slightly rude, but the fact that no one still suspected Selene made it even better. All the teachers never thought that any nine-year-old would play pranks, at least, not her teachers.

Selene was interrupted by the bell signalling the end of school rung, and everyone cheered. The school year was finally over and Helen could hear feet rushing through the corridors.  She herself was running, her feet hitting the tiled floor and echoing around the corridors. It felt good to let go of all her energy and before she knew it, she was in the field, letting out a scream of joy. 

As she rushed around madly, feeling the wind whip in her short, blonde hair, Selene collided with someone with a bang. "oww," Selene blinked the black spots in her vision away and looked up. She grabbed the hand and pulled herself up.

"Sorry dreamer but you might want to look where you're going next time. Just maybe,"  a snarky, but still somehow kind voice brought Selene out of her daze. She looked at Yelena, rubbing her forehead in pain, wincing when she rubbed the sore spot. "Hey dreamer, you good?"

"I'm fine, I guess." Selene didn't really care that she was hurt, and shrugged it off. "How are you 'lena?" Selene looked Yelena over, just to make sure that she wasn't hurt.

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