Yelena makes a phone call

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Selene's feet were just about ready to crash to the ground but she kept going. As of now, she had one goal, to keep her family safe from those monsters. She could not afford to stop running. Her feet were slowing down, feeling like jelly and she was able to see the sun rising up from what should be the east. Running in that direction, her feet crushing the leaves below her feet.

The energy in her body was running out and it was all she could do was not collapse on the spot. Lowering her body to the ground, Selene heaved a sigh as she sat down. She could see in the distance there were some people walking, the shadow of the trees falling on her. 

Panting and breathing through her mouth, Selene decided to take a small two-minute break. She would also need some sort of means to survive but currently, all that mattered was running- away. Stumbling to her feet, Selene started walking, hoping to be inconspicuous. Putting up a smile, hoping no one would pay attention to a grumpy kid, she started making her way in the east direction. 

Selene didn't know why she did that, but she did anyway. She continued walking slowly, making sure that she wouldn't run out of energy too soon.


Yelena groaned as she got up. She knew it was still nighttime, and that she had almost passed out. Her energy was on a very low level and that she couldn't carry too much nectar. Groaning in frustration, she picked up a rock and chucked it straight at a tree.

It was exhausting. She could fight well, but holding the mist at the same time was something she found difficult and tiring to accomplish. The mist was never her strongest point, it was spells, but Yelena could barely do spells along with the mist.

Everything had not gone to plan, that Yelena knew. She had planned to just go to the deeper part of the forest, defeat a few hellhounds- which seemed like the only ones eager to chase her (not that Yelena was angry with that) and return straight back, right after healing her injuries. Her previous injury had gotten better and had almost healed fully, but it still needed rest.  She was bleeding from different places and her knife wasn't there. Remembering how Selene took it, Yelena scowled. "Пиздец," she muttered under her breath.

Removing her nectar flask from her bag, which was now almost empty, she put some over her injuries, which started healing and then started bandaging them. Tieng a bandage roughly across her mid-arm, which was a very deep gash, Yelena realized it was going to scar. 

Getting up slowly, steadying herself, Yelena knew she had to go away. Finding Selene was her first priority and her second one was to get her to Camp Half-blood. Wincing at that thought, Yelena after all despised Camp and finally managed to get up to her feet. 

Fumbling in the small bag she always carried with herself, Yelena opened the zip hoped that she had carried it. Smiling slightly in relief, Yelena took out her phone. It was undeniably dangerous, but Yelena remembered something Mateo had told her right before leaving.

"Yelena, wait!" Said Person was standing at the door when she heard footsteps and a shout telling her to stop.

"What is it," she grumbled. 

"Look, if you're in any trouble, call me. I'll help." He smiled at her and handed her a slip of paper.

Yelena gazed at him suspiciously, "why would you do that, any specific reason is permitted," she smiled, but it wasn't full of happiness.

"I am, " his voice broke for some reason," a demigod just like you, I know what you feel. I had always wanted a demigod safehouse for myself," he smiled and Yelena felt her heartbeat go back to normal and her fists to unclench.

Remembering the incident, Yelena picked up her phone, dialled the number and breathed in relief when it was picked up, "Mateo," she said, her voice sharp and conveying that it was no time for jokes.


Mateo was not having a good day, first, he wakes up from a nightmare covered with sweat, which was bad enough and then he sees a picture of him and his best friend. His friend has short and almost burnt looking black hair. Freckles spread across his face. He had emerald green eyes and a scar ranging from his forehead down to his neck. Wincing, Mateo hated when he also sees his best friend twirling a scythe. Then the next picture he sees is Camp Half-blood which in itself made him want to cry. Adding up all the others, Mateo felt like crashing on the ground and just not leaving it.

He did actually crash to the floor but heard a phone ring and he wondered who in this world would call him at this time. Going to his cupboard, he picked up his bow and arrow, along with some throwing knives, getting ready to be attacked after using the phone. Picking it up he heard a sharp voice, Yelena's voice which conveyed to him that it was no time for jokes.

"What is it Yelena?"

"Gods Mateo, Selene saw me battling hellhounds." 


"Well if you let me finish, You'll know," her voice was frustrated and Mateo decided to leave that alone. "She ran. Worried about endangering he family or something and she thinks I betrayed her, which I did for he to make sure that she could be kept away from them as long as possible but then she ran away taking my knife with her. Now I don't know what to do and I'm super injured and I have to get away as soon as possible. Do you mind meeting me at Virginia?" Her voice was panicked and he heard her take a deep breath.

"It's going to be okay. I'm flying over as soon as possible what place in Virginia?" 

Yelena rattled off the location at high speed and also added after a short time, "meet me at the closest restaurant, I can see it from here but can't figure out which one it is. Also, bring along a scythe if you can."

"Sure, weird weapon of choice, but I think I have it. Any bullets necessary though?"

"Yes thank you, and you're paying," he heard some rustling from the other end and asked what it was.

"Umm nothing, just climbing off a tree." 

"You should not be climbing of trees in your state." Mateo's voice was coated with worry.

The call ended abruptly. Sighing, he sneaked back into his cupboard, delicately removing a piece of metal, which had gathered a supreme amount of dust. Blowing off the dust, Mateo coughed but held it gingerly. Chucking the metal up, it turned into a scythe which he then caught. Turning it back into a piece of metal, he gathered some bullets. He knew why he had all this stuff. Something in him knew that he was going to make it somewhere that demigods could come and stay safe. 

Mateo grabbed a backpack, put the stuff in and didn't forget to get some ambrosia and nectar along with a first aid kit. He planned to leave for Virginia earliest as possible.

Please don't ship Mateo and Yelena. I mean you can if you want to but they're going to have a brother and sister relationship. Also, Yelena had to use a phone because how would she get water when she isn't close to a river? She didn't have a spray gun either.

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