Mateo is the reincarnation of Captain America

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Maybe sitting down on a bench wasn't Selene's best idea. But really, she needed a break. She had a goal right now, and that was reaching New York, but she couldn't actually complete it if she was dead tired. She might be really tired at the moment but she would just need a small break.

When Mateo was observing his surroundings, his eyes seemed to catch something, causing Yelena and Selene to look in that direction as well. As Selene tried to gaze into the far of place, she distantly saw some people walking. Confused, she turned to Yelena who cursed something in Russian? Mateo looked away from Yelena and told them to be casual.

"How are we supposed to be casual. I don't even know what's going on," Selene piped up, staring at Mateo and Yelena.

Mateo whispered, "monsters," and then started casually walking. "Don't go to fast. Try to seem like a normal person. We slip into an alleyway and then, I'll show what's going to happen." His voice was low, but he hadn't even leaned over to whisper to her.

Yelena grabbed Selene's hand, giving a fake smile and telling her they were going to pretend to be sisters. A part of her warmed up to the idea immediately, while the other part of her wanted to tell Yelena to let go of her hand.

As they managed to reach an alleyway, Mateo had somehow vanished and Yelena was looking everywhere, hands shaking. There, they saw Mateo urging them to come to the car, a blank expression on his face.

Selene stared until Yelena urged her to hurry up. Getting into the car, Yelena stared while Mateo drove. Then she asked, with not very good language may Selene add, "Where the fuck did you learn how to steal a car?"

A shrug was Yelena's answer, along with Mateo reprimanding, "Langauge. There are kids here."

"Stop quoting Captain Fucking America please," Mateo give Yelena a look, "oh shut up. Focus on the roa-" Her last word was cut off as Selene screamed. She jumped right into Yelena as the car door was ripped off. Yelena's annoyed face vanished and she pushed Selene away, opened the other car door. Mateo winced as a few glass pieces from the broken windshield hit him. He went through the broken glass, taking out his bow and arrows with him, and started moving further away to get a good shot.

Selene tumbled onto the road, rolling by pure instinct. The glass pieces hadn't affected her, as the monsters had only ripped off the door. But the blasted rocks certainly hurt. As she moved up to her feet, Selene was finally able to see what the monsters were. A one-eyed thingy, a few of those actually, and some of those birds she had seen earlier. 

Selene saw the monster- the one-eyed thingy..... a cyclops. At least, that's what Yelena had told her, holding the car door. Eyes widening, Selene ran to Yelena and pushed her down. 

Yelena was clambering out of the car when she was pushed down. Coughing on the pavement, she looked behind her and saw that the Cyclops had thrown it. As she got up in an offensive position, she noticed that Mateo was at the back, dealing with the birds. Ducking underneath a flying projectile, and taking the car (what was remaining of it anyway) as a cover, Yelena saw Selene doing the same.

"What do we do?" she whispered, her eyes wide with fear, and Yelena noticed that she was petrified. Selene hadn't faced these many (or big) monsters till yet. 

"Selene stay back and take cover here. If you want to help, throw those stars if you can summon them. Those cyclops," Yelena pointed at the cyclops, "I'll deal with them. Mateo is dealing with the birds." Selene nodded, though now she looked worried. Patting Selene on the back, Yelena approached carefully. She distantly heard some screams, but not of Mateo and Selene. It had to be mortals.

As she approached, hoping to catch them unguarded, along with dodging a lot of bird feathers, Yelena felt the adrenaline fill her up. As she noticed a Cyclops rip off another door, Yelena took her scythe and stabbed at the back knee. She stabbed the other and the Cyclops all gave a roar of outrage. They ran straight at her and she had enough time to jump on one of the Cyclops head and slashing it off before she fell straight to the ground. 

Landing on her feet, Yelena gathered all her energy and started chanting. However, she was interrupted by a feather and the chant didn't work. Sliding underneath a Cyclops leg, she managed to jump up and stab it in the back. Yelena then decided to push them away. Gathering her magic, she tried to apply all the pressure she could think of and pushed them away. The Cyclops slid and crashed on the ground. 

Two of them turned to dust, and noticing a bird approaching, Yelena slashed. She slashed and hacked at all of the ones that were coming in her direction before she was covered in gold dust.


Selene stayed behind the car, trying to observe the patterns of the birds. When she noticed the weak points, she conjured a star (how did that work anyway?) and chucked the star. She didn't really have to worry about flying projectiles much, as the car (now severely damaged) was taking the hits. Selene had taken the dagger as well and was slashing and stabbing at all the birds that came to her. 

After using a lot of stars, Selene's energy was draining out. She noticed that all the cyclops were flung away and Yelena was covered in gold dust. Mateo came as well. But the cyclops weren't done.

They kept coming, and Selene felt her energy grow, thrill at the thought of fighting something that thought of harming her family, in any means. As she noticed how the Cyclops were lumbering over, Selene noticed some weak points. 

The legs mainly. The cyclops weren't doing a very good job at protecting their legs, which were highly necessary. As she held up the knife, Selene caught Yelena's worried gaze, but as soon as Yelena saw she noticed it, the expression vanished like it was never there.

As a cyclops came at her, Selene stabbed it into the ankle. Then stabbing it right in the knee, Selene felt herself being grabbed, Panicked, she kicked out, trying to conjure a star. An arrow hit the Cyclops' shoulder, but it wasn't enough. The star appeared in her hand, and even though it took a lot of energy, Selene stabbed it into the Cyclops' fist, which was enough for it to let her go.

As she tumbled to the ground. Selene was about to hit the pavement before she suddenly stopped in thin air. Slowly being lowered down, she saw Yelena's worried face. She seemed to be panicked and came right at her.


Mateo was extremely worried about Selene, who he now held on his back. Yelena was using the mist, doing something but all he knew was that they had to hurry and escape. They were almost as Whiteville, just a few more minutes. Heaving, (not that Selene was heavy, it was that he wasn't that strong) Mateo saw Yelena running up. 

She panted, "I manipulated the mist. You are now a girl, with the exact same looks as you, but the hair is longer. I'm a boy now, but that's the best I could do. We'll have to do something to selelne's hair. I heard whispers of people that she is the one reported missing. But I did manipulate the mist to make her a girl with shoulder-length red curly hair, and forest green eyes." Yelena was breathing deeply.

"That's okay, but I think that we best escape to Camp-Half blood without stopping for a haircut. But we can steal some scissors, you will, I'm not, and chop off her hair till it comes to her ears. Then we can use the mist to make her eyes a dark brown." Yelena nodded.

"But before that, do you mind stealing some materials from anywhere you can?"


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope you like this. 
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