Things are going amazing in nobody's opinion

16 1 0

A group of five people are sitting on a bench, laughing and cracking jokes. They're dressed in standard military uniform however using different weapons. 

One of the girls, the brunette with sharp brown eyes is muttering under her breath while sparks are coming out of her fingers. She had an assault rifle strapped to her back and a pocket pistol along with a dagger strapped at the waist. She was looking all around as if searching for something.

One of the guys, the one with black hair and striking green eyes is twirling a scythe and almost impaling everyone with it. Everyone starts moving back while the black-haired guy is chuckling. Flipping the scythe, he somehow turns it into a piece of metal. Grinning he announced, "Let's go dancing with the" 


A woman with wavy black hair and black eyes giving off a mysterious and intelligent aura interrupted. She seemed to be hiding secrets and was surrounded by stars. There was some sort of glow around her that would make people curious, want to find that something out, something about their future. Something valuable to them.

The lady sighed, waving her hands as they glowed, covering the area in energy and muttered, her voice filled with sadness, "I'm sorry daughter, but it has to be so. You are not ready to know yet. Maybe- at a time," she sighed deeply, "but as of now, i hate to do this, I wished it would not happen again, they were warning me not to do it. But I did." The blue energy faded away and with the last wisps, you could see the dark black eyes seeming to rotate a million times a second.


Few screams echoed through the air. A person's panicked voice was heard calling out to everyone to help. Everyone looked at the figure, as she cradled the body of a person. Her face was coated with grief and guilt, hugging the person closer. Her whole body was covered with scratches.

As if a flip had switched, The girl seemed to think of something. her face hardened and she pulled out a knife. The knife glowed in the light and she got up. Swinging in around, she seemed to calculate something before running straight in the direction she had turned her back to.

A guy next to her shouted at her to come back, but it fell on deaf ears. And the person that the girl had cradled was lying on the floor, her face pale and covered with scars, eyes closed.


Selene woke up, panic flowing through her veins. She had no idea who that was, who were the people and who was the woman who called her daughter. She looked around unsurely, trying to shake the thoughts out of her head. She was just about to wake Yelena up (she seemed to know the most about demigods and Selene barely knew Mateo) but just as she was about to, her mouth clamped shut.

Selene tried to pry open her mouth, but then just as she was about to talk about the dreams, her mouth clamped shut again. She was sick of it and just wanted a straight answer on what was going on. Deciding to tell them later, Selene got up and woke them up. Mateo woke up first, saying he was a light sleeper while Yelena had almost banged her head on Mateo's when she woke up with a jump. He had fast reflexes though and had managed to jump away.

"First of all, let's check a map to find a way to USA." Selene nodded and she could make out Mateo nodding along. He took out a map as well, and Yelena looked at it with satisfaction.

"Okay so we can go to Whiteville first, then we'll find another place to rest and eat a little of what we have," Yelena pointed to a small pile of food, "Then we are going to go to Provost."

"Umm, why can't we take a straight path to New York?" Selene piped up. 

"Wait a second dreamer," the use of her old nickname made her freeze and Yelena started mumbling apologies but Selene just cut across her and told her to continue which made Yelena smile slightly.

"From Provost, we go to Fine Creek Mills. Okay, you getting it?" her voice turned gentle when she looked at Selene who nodded. "Then we go to- where do you think we should go?" Selene snatched the map out and took a few minutes to look at it. Her eyes were narrowed, and then they sparked up.

"We can go to Robious Landing Park and from there we go to Richmond. Then that'll get us a subway to Brookfield Place." Yelena had a hint of a smile on his face, while Mateo still had his regular expression. "Matty, I'm begging you that you got your subway pass," Selene added.

"First, don't call me Matty, second, yes I did." Mateo had a scowl on his face, showing his opinions on the nickname, but Yelena had seen a small smile flicker across his face.


After they had eaten a small portion of the food, enough but not too much. Yelena was holding the piece of metal in her hand, while her rubberband was laying in her pocket. She had told Selene to put her knife at her upper arm, and Selene did that.

The day was scorching hot and Yelena was not glad about that. But it was decidedly better than it raining, so she tried to ignore it. But it didn't help that her arms burnt, and they had a long way to walk. Their aim was also to walk through places people wouldn't see them, also trying to avoid the monsters.

After some time of walking, Mateo's nerves seemed to have heightened, as he was glancing around cautiously, always restless. His eyes seemed to dissect every single person and see them for who they truly were. Selene had a lot of energy and looked like she was finally free. She was twidling her thumbs rapidly and fidgeting with the hems of her clothing. She might not be thinking of it that way, but Yelena was pretty sure that Selene would love to just run at that moment.

But as of now, that was not possible. The first step to stay inconspicuous was to not grab attention. Which frankly, was obvious and running would grab attention more than many things. They were walking at a normal pace, so Yelena decided that if she was going back to camp, the dreaded place, she would have to practice magic. 

Taking out her book, she almost crashed into Mateo as she read it. Selene was hiding her smile, but it was obvious that she wanted to laugh. Mateo had rolled his eyes, picked her up and brought her back to the world of reaching camp. Yelena put the book back in the bag and walked off again with them.


hope you like the chapter <3

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