Yelena is an imposter

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As they sneaked into the hospital, Selene shakily woke up. She was very tired and could barely walk, but Mateo carried her on his shoulders like she was his younger sibling who had to get a check-up or something.

Yelena was looking around, hoping to find some vents so that she could sneak into someplace and get some medical supplies. As she saw a vent, which was not surrounded by people, she bade him goodbye and went in. Crawling on her knees, Yelena tried not to start coughing due to the amount of dust. 

She did manage to ignore the dirt though, as Yelena was sure that she was dirty as well. As she came out of the vent right after the doctor went away, she started lifting up the supplies, still hiding in the vent, and then put them in her bag when the medical stuff came up. 

Crawling back through the vent, she tried to see if there was any path that led to an exit. There wasn't, so that was bad but Yelena knew it had been a foolish hope. After a few moments of coughing and getting dirtier, she made it to the other end of the vent.

Mateo and Selene were there, and she jumped right out. Handing Mateo the supplies, she took a napkin and tried to wipe the dirt off her body. As they walked out of the hospital, Selene seemed to be getting more tired by the second, so Mateo took her on his shoulders again and after a while, they stopped at a corner of a park where there was a bench.

It was becoming late, and Yelena was starting to feel chilly. Her breath came out slowly, and she crossed her arms around herself to try to warm herself up. Mateo was wrapping his blanket around himself, and then he started healing Selene. 

Selene screamed in pain when Mateo jabbed at her leg, and then suddenly pushed it back. She started muttering words that Yelena was pretty sure Selene learnt from her. Mateo handed Selene some Ambrosia, which she ate gratefully, savouring the taste. 

"Are you insane or something Mateo?" Yelena hissed. 

"No I'm not, but if I did it slowly it would have been worse. Twisted her ankle by the look of it, so I pushed it back in." He said casually.

"You don't just push it back in!" 

"Who's the doctor here, me? Also, if I did it another way monsters would be anyways fighting us in a short while and she'd probably get more injured."

Yelena sighed and turned to Selene. Slapping Selene's hand from going towards the Ambrosia, Yelena motioned Mateo to help her heal her leg. He started cleaning the wound first, and then he wrapped it up, or something like that, Yelena didn't pay attention to that, as she observed their surroundings.

They were by no means in a safe place, but for now, it would work. One of them, not Selene, must stay on guard and then switch in the middle. Deciding that she would stay awake first, Yelena pulled out her scythe and kept her gun on the ready.

Mateo dozed off, but he didn't seem to be in a deep sleep. Selene was though. Her head was rested on Mateo's shoulder, and her expression was calm. Yelena hoped that Selene's demigod dreams hadn't started, due to her having already fought some monsters.

Selene's mother, it was most probably her mother, was a mystery however to Yelena. Till yet, to Yelena's knowledge, Selene's looks wouldn't help in finding Selene's godly parent. She had gotten her looks from her father, unlike Yelena who had gotten her looks from her mother, Hecate.

Picking up the slightest of noise, Yelena's gaze swept the park. It was night right now, and all she could see was the lights of some houses closed and some of the lights were switched on. There was almost a peaceful stillness in the air, and Yelena could hear herself breathe.

Sitting down on the partially wet grass, she heard the crunch of some dried leaves under her feet, the park's lamps emitting a yellow glow. It didn't feel like something would jump out at them, and for the first time, Yelena felt like she could relax.

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