Migraine: Idea by Tom Holland

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During this interview ^ at 2:10 Tom Holland says:

"I came up with an idea the other day for us to do. Where. No, but it's kind of funny and it'll never happen. Where Peter Parker's at school, has a mad, mad, headache. Rings up someone and says,
'I'm just rejid... really need your help. It's really important.' And then a voice says.
'Ok.' And then he goes over to your house and you're dressed up as Dr Strange and you're ready to do business and I'm like.
'Have a headache, do you know what it is?' And I. Because you're a brain surgeon. So you think I need you to like save the world again, but really I just need your doctor expertise. I just need you to be a doctor."


"Peter? Are you ok?" Ned asked Peter as he was sat at his desk with a hand against his head and his eyes closed.
"No, I think that I've got a migraine."
"You don't look so good. Maybe you should go to the nurse."
"She won't be able to help. I'm spiderman, remember."
"Oh right, yeah."
"Ah, it's too bright."
"Why don't you go home? You could ask May to come and pick you up?"
"She's at work, but you've given me an idea. Thanks Ned," Peter said before he raised his hand.
"...and then we divide that by, yes Peter?"
"Can I go to the toilet?"
"Yes, but be quick."
"Thanks," Peter replied as he grabbed his phone and walked out of the classroom. He dialled a number and held it to his ear as it rang. "Hi," Peter said as someone picked up. "It's Peter. Peter Parker. Spiderman. Look, I'm just... I just really need your help. It's really important. Ok, I'll be right over. Thank you," Peter said before he hung up and left the school.

Peter gazed around the interior of the New York sanctum as he waited for Dr Strange.
"There you are, what's the emergency?" Dr Strange said and Peter whirled round to see him in his wizard get-up.
"Err yeah, it's not a hero thing Dr Strange, I should have said. It's just that I've got this headache and it's like really bad, so I was wondering if you've got anything for it?"
"You've got a headache?" Dr Strange asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but it's more like a migraine and..."
"Ok," Dr Strange interrupted Peter. "Let's get something straight. You do not call me up just because you have a headache, I am far too busy to deal with..."
"But you're a brain surgeon right?"
"I was, but now I am a master of the mystic arts and protector of this sanctum."
"Can you help me? Please Strange."
"Fine. But only if it will make you leave faster," Dr Strange said as he came over. "Look at me," He said and Peter tried to look at him but it was too bright.
"The light's too bright, I can't."
"Ok, I'll get you some aspirin," Dr Strange said before he went to the medical cabinet and came back with a packet of aspirin and some water. "Take two of these," Dr Strange said as he handed Peter the packet.
"Thanks," Peter said before he swallowed the pills with some water. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now, you're going home to bed," Dr Strange said before he opened a portal into Peter's room.
"No it's ok, I have to get back to school."
"Sure you do," Dr Strange said as he gave Peter a light shove into the portal.
"Really Dr Strange, I..." Peter tried to argue as Dr Strange entered Peter's flat behind him and closed at the curtains. "Ah, that's so much better," Peter said as he instantly relaxed.
"Being in a dark room helps with migraines, now get into your bed," Dr Strange said as he walked Peter into his bedroom.
"Oh. I don't feel so good. I feel..." Peter said as he leant against Dr Strange.
"Dizzy?" Dr Strange asked as he held Peter up.
"Yeah. How did you know?"
"It's one of the effects of a migraine," Dr Strange said before Peter got into his bed and he pulled the covers over him.
"I'm feeling sleepy Mr Strange."
"Then go to sleep. The door is locked and I'll write your Aunt a note for when she comes home. Now, don't call me for anything."
"Anything. Now go to sleep and stay asleep," Dr Strange said before he walked into Peter's lounge, closed the door behind him and wrote a note for his Aunt May.

Peter has a migraine. Nothing to worry about, he just needs some painkillers and rest in a darkened room. Also please remind Peter not to call me for anything, at all. Dr Steven Strange.

Dr Strange then went back through the portal and closed it behind him.

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