Injured In Prague

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"Mr Beck?" Peter asked as he rolled Quentin Beck onto his side so that he could see his face. "No, no, no," Peter said as he lent forward and pressed his fingers against Quentin's neck.
"Is he dead?" Maria Hill asked as she came over.
"No, he's got a pulse."
"Ok. We need to get medical over here," Maria said into her radio.
"You're bleeding Spiderman. We should get you checked out as well," Fury said as he came over.
"Arh. It's not that bad," Peter replied before he looked at his stomach. His suit had been ripped and he had bad degree burns across his abdomen. He also noticed that it was getting hard to breathe. "Actually. It is getting a little hard to breathe Mr Fury," Peter said as he put his hand against his chest.
"How long until medical get here?" Fury asked Maria.
"3 minutes."
"Ok. Sit down Spiderman, we don't you passing out on us," Fury said and Peter sat down. He went to take his mask off but Fury was quick to stop him. "I thought you didn't want your identity to be known."
"No. I don't," Peter said before he pulled the mask above his mouth. He spat out some blood onto the concrete before he pulled his mask back down and lay on the ground.

Fury then looked up at the Ferris wheel and saw Betty and Ned looking back down at him.
"We'll get you down, just don't move too much or the whole thing will collapse and you'll die," Fury said and Betty squealed before she held onto Ned.

When Peter came to, he heard someone writing on a piece of paper above him. He opened his eyes and saw a young doctor taking notes. He was in a hospital cubicle and there was a curtain drawn around his bed. He was in a hospital gown and he couldn't see his Spiderman suit. Good.
"Oh, hello Peter. You're awake," The doctor greeted him. "My name's Dr Mandel and I've been taking care of you."
"Hi. Where am I?"
"You're at the general Prague hospital. You've been out for just over an hour, but the good news is that you haven't sustained any major injuries."
"What injuries do I have?" Peter asked carefully, wondering if his healing had kicked in and left the doctor bewildered.
"You have 4 broken ribs, one of which punctured your lung, but we have managed to repair it."
"Is that why I was coughing up blood?"
"Yes, but it should heal fully over the next fortnight. You have also sustained several 2nd degree burns to your abdomen, which should heal over the next month."
"I'm prescribing you some cream for the burns and a small bottle of diluted morphine. Your body's metabolism is faster than anyone I've seen, so you are going to need stronger painkillers. You are to inject a 3mL of morphine into your bloodstream every twelve hours."
"Ok," Peter agreed. Every twelve hours for a normal person meant every four hours for Peter.
"And the cream needs to be applied twice a day."
"Ok. Got it," Peter said as Dr Mandel prepared a needle.
"I'm going to give you an injection of the morphine now and I want you to watch carefully because you are going to have to do this," Dr Mandel said as he put a torque around Peter's arm. He then explained to Peter how to inject the morphine before he injected him.

A few seconds passed before Peter became drowsy and he closed his eyes.
"The morphine will make you tired Peter, as you can tell, so don't inject it before you do any vigorous activity."
"Ok," Peter agreed as he half opened his eyes.
"So, in summary. I am prescribing you 70mL of diluted morphine and cream for the burn, as well as some clean syringes, co-codamol and normal paracetamol tablets for when the morphine runs out."
"Thank you so much."
"You're free to go and I strongly recommend getting a taxi back to your accommodation."
"I will. Thank you," Peter said and Dr Mandel opened a curtain to leave. "Before you go," Peter said and Dr Mandel stopped.
"Yes Peter?"
"Do you have a patient here called Quentin Beck?"
"We do, and I've just been in to see him. Do you know him?"
"Yeah, he's a friend. Is he ok?"
"He's been badly injured but with time he should make a full recovery."
"Ok, thank you," Peter said.

He wanted to go and see Beck, but the medical staff probably wouldn't allow him near him. Anyway, he needed to get back to his hotel before Mr Harrington called the police with a lost persons report.

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