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"Where's MJ? Is she ok?" Peter asked Ned as they walked into a classroom.
"Yeah, MJ's good. She caught the bus a few minutes ago. What about you? Are you ok?" Ned asked as he and Peter sat on the floor of a classroom.
"Not really Ned," Peter replied quietly.
"Is it, Ironman?"
"Yeah," Peter replied with a sniffle. "After I left the bus, and you. Mr Stark said that he needed my help to save a wizard."
"What? A wizard? A real wizard?" Ned asked, being careful not to sound too excited.
"Yeah," Peter said before he sniffled again to keep the tears at bay. "Mr Stark and I ended up in space with Dr Strange, who's the wizard."
"Yeah. Then... we met up with these other guys, and there was a big dude with lots of red tattoos and a bug lady."
"A bug lady? Did she have antennae? Or an exoskeleton?"
"She had antennae," Peter replied as he smiled slightly at Ned. "Then... Thanos showed up and we fought him. Then. He vanished. And..." Peter said before he snapped his fingers and a tear fell from his face.
"The blib. Yeah, that happened to me and MJ too."
"I thought that I'd just passed out, but I told Tony that I was sorry. Before I... you know."
"Yeah. Got dusted."

"But then," Peter continued before tears started to fall freely down his face. "Mr Stark. He... He hugged me. He held me close, and I didn't know why. Then... he snapped his fingers and killed Thanos. But Tony..." Peter managed to say before he completely broke down in tears.
"Peter," Ned said as he hugged Peter and he held onto Ned for dear life.
"I was there. I was... he stopped... he died... right..."
"Hey. It's ok," Ned reassured him. "I've got you."

They remained there, on the floor, with Peter in floods of tears until May came in.
"Peter!" She shouted before she knelt beside them. "Are you ok? Did you blip too?"
"He did," Ned said for Peter. "He was with Ironman when he died."
"Oh. Was that Tony?" May asked and Peter nodded. "Oh, I'm sorry Peter," May said before she began rubbing her hand gently across his back.

Peter kept crying and after a few minutes, Peter moved to hug May.
"You've been through a lot Peter. But I love you."
"I love you too," Peter muffled and May kissed his cheek.
"I want to get you home Peter."
"I want to, go home."
"I know you do," May said before she looked at Ned.
"Oh. I've got you Peter," He said, and together they stood Peter up.
"Is that ok?" May asked Peter and he nodded.
"Ok. I'll give you a lift home too Ned."
"Oh, thanks May."
"Come on boys," May said and they left the school together.

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