Remembering Peter

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Set after Dr Strange 2: The Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers!)

After using the Darkhold, Strange collapsed in a corridor at the sanctum and memories came flooding back of Peter Park.
"Strange. Are you alright?" Wong asked as he came in and saw Steven on the ground. "Strange?"
"Peter," Dr Strange whispered.
"I need to visit someone."
"A friend," Dr Strange said before he started to get up and Wong helped him.
"Are you sure that you're alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Where are you going?"
"To see a friend."
"You have friends?"
"A few, but Peter has none," Strange said to himself as he set off to Peter Parker's flat.

As he took off and flew over the city, tears came to his eyes as he thought about Peter, everything that had happened, and everything he had been through. None except for Strange knew who he was. He had lost his family, his girlfriend and everyone who ever knew him. He was all alone.

Peter frowned as he opened the door and saw Dr Strange.
"Hi. Can I um... can I help you?" He asked and Strange smiled as tears pricked at the edge of his eyes.
"Hello Peter," He said and a faint flicker of hope sparked within Peter, but he kept his cool.
"Aren't you Dr Strange? The magic guy who fought with the Avengers?" Peter asked and Dr Strange smiled more.
"I am. And I know that you fought alongside them too."
"What do you mean?" Peter asked as his heart beat faster.
"I remember Peter. I remember everything. The spell that went wrong, the green goblin, the other spidermen. The memory spell I cast to make everyone forget who you are," Strange said and Peter stood, speechless.
"...How?" He asked after a moment.
"I used a book of very dark magic, and it had its effect on me. One of the things it did, was let me remember you."
"So none else knows?"
"Ok..." Peter said before he looked at Strange. "Can I... can I hug you?"
"Yes," Strange said as a tear ran down his face. "Yes," He repeated and Peter hugged him. Strange held him close and he felt Peter breathing against his chest. Both their hearts were pounding now and they remained in each other's embrace.
"None's..." Peter said as he started to cry. "None's held me like this since May... May died."
"I know. I'm sorry Peter," Strange said and Peter got closer to Strange. "But you're safe now. I've got you."
"Thank you."
"If you ever need a home. The sanctum is always open."
"Thank you."

An hour later, Peter was sat topless on a chair and Dr Strange was tending to his wounds that he'd gotten from all of his spiderman exploits.
"I need to get you to hospital Peter."
"Hospital? Why?"
"You've got at least 2 broken ribs, and your breathing is strained. You could have punctured a lung."
"But that should heal. You know, with my abilities."
"Your abilities only go so far Peter, and as your only legal guardian you don't have a no choice in the matter."
"Ok. But May said that I should avoid hospitals. They could pick up on something and take me somewhere to be tested on."
"You won't be taken away and tested on."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I'll be with you. And if they do spot something that's off, we will be straight out of there."
"Good. I know just the doctor to take you to," Strange said before he turned round to start opening a portal. As the first of the orange sparks flew, he heard Peter crying behind him. He opened the portal, and turned back to Peter. "Peter? What's wrong?"
"What is it?" Strange asked as he wiped one of Peter's tears away.
"None's looked after me like this since..." Peter said and Strange softened.
"Since May died?" He asked and Peter nodded. "Come on kid. Let's get you sorted out," Strange said and Peter nodded. Strange helped him up and together they walked into the hospital.
"Are you alright sir?" A nurse asked as she saw Strange walking with a crying Peter in his arms.
"Yes, we are. Where is Dr Palmer?"
"At the nurse's station."
"Thank you."
"Is Dr Palmer... a friend?"
"Yes. She'll help to look after you."
"Thank you."
"Dr Palmer. Christine!"
"Steven? Hey, are you ok?"
"I'm fine. This is Peter Parker. He has some long standing injuries that haven't been treated for a couple of months."
"Is he a relative?" Christine asked and Peter looked at Strange.
"Yes. He's my nephew."
"Ok. Peter, I'm Dr Palmer and I'm going to look after you ok."
"Yeah... thank you."
"Come in here and I can examine you," Christine said and she led him behind a curtain.

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