Peter Hallucinates

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"Ned. My guy in the chair,"
"I'll kill you and everyone you love," Came the vulture. Peter looked up in horror and saw the vulture coming down the plane towards him.
"No, no, please no. MJ? MJ!" Peter cried out as he panicked. What was happening to him? "You said I was safe, MJ!" Peter cried out in fear as he reached around for her hand. Beside him he saw only the EDITH glasses so without a second thought he picked them up and put them on. "Is this real? Tell me if this is real!" Peter shouted as EDITH came on and the vulture flew straight for Peter's throat. Peter closed his eyes and screamed.

The first thing Peter heard was his breathing. It was shallow and shaky. Next he felt the tears that were still running down his face. Then he heard Happy's voice.
"Peter, your vitals have gone haywire, are you ok?" Happy asked. Peter didn't know where his voice was coming from and he listened to his ragged breathing. Somewhere, far away, his body was being shaken.
"I don't know where I am. I'm scared, I'm so scared," Peter said, hoping that Happy would hear him.
"The tracker in the suit has your location on the flight path that you're taking," Came Aunt May's voice. "Has something happened?"
"He's alive. They're both alive and they're coming after me. They're trying to kill me," Peter sounded panicked and Happy became serious.
"Peter, I need your location."
"I don't know where I am Happy,"
"Is there anything around you that can help us identify where you are?"
"It's dark. It's pitch black. I can't breathe. I can't..."
"There's a doctor with you?" May asked.
"Yeah, she came over to see if I was ok. MJ was there, and so was Ned."
"I don't understand Peter," Happy said. "Are you in immediate danger?"
"I don't know. I think I'm hallucinating but it feels so real. It's just like Mysterio's illusions. I don't know if he's still coming after me."
"You told me that he's dead Peter."
"I don't know what's happening," Peter said, becoming panicked. I'm scared."
"When did you last sleep honey?" May asked him.
"I don't know. Maybe on the plane. That was like, 4 days ago."
"Sleep deprivation can cause hallucinations," Happy said. "It's most likely that and the fact that you got hit by a train."
"You think I hurt my head?"
"It's almost certain." Happy told him. "What was your last location Peter?"
Ned. Ned was talking about a plane. I collapsed and they sat me down in an airplane seat, Peter told Happy.
I think you're just confused honey, May said. What's going on around you right now?
I can feel, Peter began. He could feel hands on his distant body. He couldn't tell what they were doing, just that they were there. Hands. I can feel people touching me.
Who's touching you Peter?
I don't. I don't, Peter began as he felt a hand running through his hair. MJ? He asked but he was too out of it to understand the words that floated towards him from MJ. I think. I think I'm safe. MJ told me that she'd keep me safe, Peter said.
You are safe Peter, EDITH chimed in. Your vitals have returned to normal and from my calculations you will be unconscious for the rest of the flight.
How? Peter asked as he felt himself become sleepy.
A heavy duty sedative has been injected into your bloodstream.
Who? Peter asked but he was gone before EDITH gave an answer.

"" the line cut off.
"Peter? Happy asked. Are you there Peter?"


"Yeah, that's right," Ned said excitedly. His excitement dropped as Peter's gaze changed suddenly to the isle and he cried out.
"No, no. Please no. MJ? MJ!" He cried out.
"I'm here, I'm here," MJ said in desperation," gripping Peter's hand.
"You said I was safe, MJ!" Peter screamed as his head tried to find MJ's. MJ gripped it but Peter looked over and grabbed the EDITH glasses, putting them on.
"What do we do?" Ned asked as even Flash stood up from his seat.
"Peter's having another hallucination and his brain isn't registering our presence," Amy said. We need to focus on keeping him safe from hurting himself. Ned and Flash watched Peter as his eyes widened in horror and he shouted.
"Is this real? Tell me if this is real!" They didn't know who he was asking this question to but the glasses he was wearing glowed blue and Peter screamed. Peter gasped as though someone had just punched him in the throat and his head rolled to the side. Amy quickly took his pulse as Ned stood up next to Flash.
"His pulse is erratic. MJ, help me lie him in the isle," Amy said and MJ did as she asked. Together they lifted the, heavier than expected Peter, onto the ground.
Peter groaned is distress as MJ knelt next to him.

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