12|First Dates

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♧︎Just because I carry it well doesn't mean it's not heavy♧︎

♧︎Just because I carry it well doesn't mean it's not heavy♧︎

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I'm so done with all the drama in my life. I just want to end it. Hence why i'm sat here across from Alexei who's staring at me apologetically.

Let's go back a bit shall we.

3 hours earlier

I'm so fucking done with all the drama in my life. I need to put a fucking end to it. Starting with Alexei.

Alexei 🤢

Meet me at the ice cream
shop in town at 12

Can't wait. 😉

Present day

"Whatever we are Alexei, it's over, I can't do this anymore" I say staring at his clenched jaw

"Valencia please. Let me explain what happened back in Serbia." he argues.

"Go on then Alexei. Explain how you were the fucking love of my life but I found out how you lied to me every fucking day as you forgot to mention the man who I thought was my father was actually yours. Oh but that's not it when you find out that same man raped me constantly, what do you do? You leave. You really expect me to forgive you for that? Forget it, don't contact me again." I finish before standing up causing him to do so aswell.

"Please bab- I mean Valencia just let me talk to you." Damn. That look in his eyes, I just can't say no which is why we both slowly sit back down. Besides, I still had ice cream to finish anway.

"Look, I was a coward and there's nothing I regret more. I wish I could take it back. I wish I could make it up to you. But all I can do is apologise. I'm sorry, I love you surely you can still see that?" He rants.

The second I hear those three words. I run. I need to stop forgiving people who have done me wrong just because they say they love me. I've done it oo many times before and they always end up hurting me.

Cal it daddy issues I know.


"IF I WAS YOU I'D WANNA BE ME TOO" I sang at the top of my lungs as I began getting read for my date trying my hardest to put all that shit with Alexei behind me and to just enjoy tonight.

"You sound like a dying rat Val, shut the fuck up before you make my ears bleed" Angelo yells from the hallway.


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