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So much pain for someone so young

So much pain for someone so young

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I've been awake all night. People keep coming in and out of the interrogation room at the police station asking questions, trying to reassure me, explaining whats going to happen but none of it helps.

For the first time in forever, I want to go home. Back to my brothers.

Since they brought me here I've run over every single little moment since I got here in my head, attempting to figure out how these people know about my bruises and why they think Ale did it. Nothing. It doesn't add up.

I have no idea where Ale is or if he'll get out of this. Part of me thinks that as he's so involved in the mafia shit like this must happen to him all the time so it probably won't be too hard for him to get himself out of it. But what if he hurts me for causing this situation in the first place.

It's not even like I can stop it from happening; they don't believe me.

severel hours earlier

I'm sat across from a police officer and my social worker who claims she's 'here for support'. The room is quite dark and damp, nothing but a single bulb above my head allowing me to see.

"Miss Knight, I know its hard to talk about but we're just trying to help you. How did you get those bruises?" the officer asks me definitely beginning to lose patience.

"For the third time, I was on the cheer team back in Serbia, you can check my records. I fell quite a lot, that's why I quit." I respond. Wrong. I quite cheerleading practise because Ivan made me, he didn't like me having any sense of freedom and well as for the bruises, that's quite obvious.

"Has your brother, Alessandro Knight, ever hurt you in anway? You won't be in trouble." He asks again after however many times of the same conversation.


I understand that they don't think i'd tell the truth incase I feared that Ale would hurt me. I would lie even if Ivan was the one being accused. But how the hell is Alessandro going to get out of this if they won't take my word for it. Everything has just got extremely complicated.

"Any of your other brothers?"


"Have they ever lost their temper with you?"


Each time I thought it was the last question but as the clock ticked more and more questions were fired my way.

"Are you scared of any of your brothers?"


"Have they ever scared you in the past?"


"Do you feel safe when you're with them?"


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