Chapter 1

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Steve suddenly regrets sleeping in his own room when he wakes with a jolt to the sound of screams coming from the bedroom next door. He bolts out of bed quickly, making it to the hallway as she finds Natasha making her way toward Bucky's room. "I have it, Nat. Go on to bed." He watches her offer him a small smile, nodding before turning to her own room. He pushes open Bucky's door to find him in his usual position on the floor, sitting up with the blanket on his lap. Caked in sweat, he breathes heavily as his military tags hang off his chest. Steve shuts the bedroom door before kneeling on the ground beside his oldest friend and brings his left hand up to his raven hair. "Are you okay, Buck? I told you that you should have let me sleep here."

Bucky chuckles softly, leaning into Steve's hand. "I thought we were trying to keep it under wraps though..."

Steve nods, sighing as he removes his hand. "We are, but come on, Buck." He stands up, holding his hand out to Bucky as he hesitated. He finally accepts his hand, standing up in front of his friend, and turning to the bed. Steve grabs him before he can lie down, pulling him to his chest. Bucky resists at first but soon relaxes into Steve's arms, resting his head on his shoulder with a sigh. When he finally pulls away, he moves to lie on the bed as Steve attempts to crawl over him.

Bucky holds up his flesh arm with Steve still on top of him, pulling Steve's lips to his. Bucky moaned against Steve's mouth, bringing his metal arm to his bare back, the cold of the metal sending shivers down his spine as he begins to feel Bucky hard under him.

Steve chuckles as Bucky groans when he pulls away to lay beside him on his back. Steve lifts his left arm up, pulling Bucky firmly to his chest, and pulling the blanket over them. "We need to sleep."

"I know," Bucky relents with a sigh, placing his metal arm on Steve's chest, "thanks for sleeping with me."

"I would sleep with you every night if I could." He smiles, kissing Bucky on the head before resting his own against his.

"Me too..." Bucky sighs, closing his eyes as he drifts off to sleep without any more nightmares.


Steve wakes up before Bucky in the morning to find him on his back beside him. The sun was just beginning to rise as rays of orange light began to fill the room, painting his chest that rose and fell slowly as he slept peacefully. Steve watched the blanket barely clinging to Bucky's hips as he began to trace his fingers along his chest and stomach, making their way down. Bucky moaned, beginning to stir just as Steve's hand reached the blanket.

"Shh," Steve chuckles, pulling the blanket down as he reached into Bucky's underwear. He watched Bucky grip the bed with his flesh hand as Steve took his cock from his underwear.

"Steve," Bucky groaned as Steve smiled, taking his now throbbing cock into his mouth. Bucky watched Steve start slow, teasing him as he licked around the crown before slowly taking him into his mouth.

Bucky began to moan as Steve began to suck more aggressively, taking him all the way to his throat. Steve moaned as Bucky brought his metal hand up to his blond hair, pushing him down harder on his cock.

"Fuck..." Bucky breathed. "Don't stop, Steve."

Steve reciprocated, letting Bucky's moans lead him as he began to suck him harder, hollowing his cheeks. He brought his left hand up to Bucky's right, intertwining their fingers as he felt Bucky keep his metal hand firmly on his head, making his own erection begin to ache for his touch. Steve soon felt his balls draw up, his cock tightening just before he felt the spurting in the back of his throat.

"Fuck!" Bucky yells as Steve chuckles around his cock as he licks him clean.

Steve drags his down once more along the shaft to the tip as Bucky hisses before he leans back his knees, smiling at him. "Language, Buck."

Bucky laughs, pulling Steve's body on top of his own as he sealed his mouth over Steve's. He smiled as Steve moaned when his tongue found its way inside his mouth. Bucky kept his flesh hand on the back of his head as he moved his metal hand to trail down his chest to his underwear.

Steve groans as he pulls away from a confused Bucky. "I wish I could. But I have agents to train." He stands up with a sigh from the bed, shooting him a wink. "I guess I'll just have to get mine later."

Bucky laughs, sitting up as his eyes trailed the tight muscles etched into Steve's chest and abdomen before his eyes fall on his hard cock pressing against his underwear. "You bet." He watches him turn away with a sigh to approach the door. "Wait!" He stands up from the bed as Steve turns back to him with his hand on the doorknob. "I forgot, I have a date tonight."

Steve chuckles, smiling at Bucky. "Oh yeah? Same girl? It's going well then?"

"I think so, yeah. I really like her." He smiles as he approaches Steve. "Are you jealous?"

Steve laughs, bringing a hand up to Bucky's hair. "We don't do jealous, remember?" Steve knew that this meant he and Bucky would have to have a talk about their extracurriculars. They usually only kept them up when they were both single and it was beginning to look like Bucky wouldn't be for much longer.

"Good... see you late then, Captain." Bucky winked at Steve, eliciting a smirk and a twitch from his already aching cock as he watched Bucky turn to enter the bathroom and he left the room, closing the door behind him.


"How is Dani doing?"

Steve looks up to see Natasha enter the locker room as he finishes getting dressed with a shrug. "She's really great. I think she'll make an excellent asset to the team."

"Excellent," Natasha offers with a smile. She winks at Steve as he stands up from the bench. "What else do you think she'd be excellent at, Steve?"

Steve blushes slightly at the implication as he shakes his head. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to be thinking about the newest member of the team that way, Nat."

Natasha laughs, shaking her head. "Come on, Steve! You have to put yourself out there. She's beautiful and she's been flirting relentlessly with you."

"No she hasn't," he scoffs, pushing past her toward the door of the locker room.

"Men are so clueless," Natasha teases as Steve exits the locker room ahead of her.

Steve shrugs, his thoughts briefly wandering to Dani. He couldn't deny her attractiveness, that was for sure with her shoulder-length light brown hair and big green eyes. She was tough and quick, and definitely beautiful. She did stir up a bit of lust within him whenever she locked eyes with him in the training room. He sighs, shaking the thoughts from his head as he approaches the training room to find Dani watching him as he takes his position in front of all the recruits to begin training for the day.

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