Chapter 6

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Dani punched the bag in the training room, harder than normal. She ignored the pain each new punch elicited on her fists as she pictured Steve and Bucky in Steve's bed the night before. She couldn't help thinking that her relationship with Bucky was all a lie, all a front for him and Steve to hide behind. That they had just been using her this whole time. She was falling for Bucky and she knew she was on the way with Steve too. But they betrayed her... both of them.

"Easy tiger. You're going to break the bag."

Dani jumps slightly at Steve's voice before her breaking through her thoughts as she stops to turn to him. "Good morning, Captain. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in," she spits, annoyed as she watches him tense at her tone.

"Um... good morning, Dani." He hesitates as she glares up at him. "Do you want to spar?"

"Sure," she shrugs, following him out to the middle of the mat. "As long as you take it easy on me."

"Of course," he chuckles, taking a stance facing her.

Steve didn't move as Dani lunged for him, barely sidestepping out of the way at the last moment, causing her to fall to the ground. She stood up with a grunt, lunging again as she pictured him with Bucky. She made contact this time, kicking him in the face as she heard him grunt.

"Damn, Dani..." He brought his hand up to his split lip, finding blood as he watched her pull her retractable sword from her back. He took a few steps back as she laughed.

"Afraid of a little girl, Captain?"

Steve hesitated, not wanting to hurt her, but nodded as it was obvious she had something she was wanting to work out. "Okay."

Dani grunted, lunging toward him as he moved out of the way at the last second. She turned back to him quickly, stabbing him in the back of the right shoulder as he groaned.

"What the hell?"

Dani looked up at Bucky approaching them. "What the hell what?" She spits with a shrug. "He's a super soldier. He's fine." She registered the angry look on his face but knew it was nothing compared to the anger she was already feeling as she watched him approach her. "Worried about your boyfriend?"

"What?" Bucky chuckles nervously, freezing in his spot. "What do you mean?"

Dani scoffs, rolling her eyes as she pushed past him. "As if you don't know. I'm going to take a shower." She shook her head as she stomped off, leaving them both in the training room, watching her leave.

"Are you okay?" Bucky knelt on the ground beside Steve as he grunted.

"I'm fine Buck, just go after her."

Bucky groans, taking one last look at Steve before turning to follow Dani to her room. He finds her undressed in the bathroom as he pushes the door open for her to turn toward him. "What is your problem? You could have hurt Steve!"

She rolled her eyes, backing him into the bedroom with a shove on his chest. "As if you don't know! As if you haven't just been using me this whole time!"

Bucky shakes his head confused as he grips her shoulder lightly. "What do you mean, using you?"

"You and Steve! I saw you both last night in his room, fuc—"

Bucky slams his hand over her mouth, pinning her against the wall as his heart sinks into his stomach, watching her eyes well with tears. "Keep your voice down." He removed his hand, keeping her pinned against the wall with his body. "I'm not sure what you thought you saw."

"Don't treat me like an idiot, James! I know what you were doing, what I don't understand is why me? Why have you been using me as a front this whole time?"

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