Chapter 3

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Dani sits in the conference room with the rest of the Avengers between Natasha and Steve, looking up when the door opens and Bucky steps inside. He stops just inside the door as he catches her gaze with a blush before taking a seat across from her. She sees irritation pass his face as he stares at Steve before he stands up beside her to address the room.

"The reason for the meeting today is to introduce a new member of the team; Danielle Masters."

Dani smiles, standing up beside him as she looks around the table, her eyes landing on Bucky's last to find him obviously uncomfortable with her being there. "It's really nice to meet everyone and I'm looking forward to getting to know you and working with you." She smiles, feeling slightly calmer as Steve rests a hand on her back.

Steve smiles down at her as she makes eye contact before he looks back at the table. "Happy to have you here, Dani. She's been trained personally by both Natasha and myself."

"And she's also quite adept at sword fighting," Clint chimes in, leaning forward in his seat.

Dani blushes slightly, winking at him. "Thank you, Agent Barton."

Steve removes his hand from her back with a small nod. "That's pretty much it. Everyone is dismissed."

Dani watches everyone get up to leave the room, Bucky hanging back as she watches a silent exchange between him and Steve before Steve turns to leave her alone with Bucky. "I told you that you would be seeing me sooner than you thought." She chuckled but could tell he didn't seem very amused at her being there. "What?"

Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know," she shrugs, proceeding with caution. "I didn't know when we met that I was being vetted. When I found out, I thought that I would keep it as a surprise. Are you mad at me?"

"No," he breathes out with a sigh, dropping his arms as she approached him. "I'm not mad. I'm sorry, Dani. I just didn't realize that we would be working together. It makes things complicated..." He smiled softly, leaning into the touch of her hand on his cheek as she took another step toward him.

"I'm sorry, James. I hope it doesn't change anything between us..."

"Me too," he nods in agreement. "Are you going to be staying here on the compound, or your apartment?"

"Both?" She responded with a shrug. "If that's okay."

"Of course, it's okay." He grabbed her hand, leading her out of the conference room. "Come on, doll." He led her up to the dorms, stopping in front of a door, opening it for her to peek inside. "This room is empty. So... if you want or need to sleep here, then you can use this room." He pointed to the door straight across the hall. "That is Steve's room, and I'm right next to him."

He led her to Steve's door, knocking before pushing the door open to find Steve standing up with a smile. "Hey..."

Bucky sees eyes fall to where he holds Dani's hand as he drops it, blushing. "Steve, you should know that the girl I've been seeing I told you about is Dani..."

"Oh." Steve shrugs, the smile falling as he nods. "Well, as long as it doesn't interfere with missions."

"Sure, thanks, Steve." Bucky smiles, nodding. "I just thought you should know." He could tell by Steve's small nod that their conversation wasn't done as he turned to lead Dani out of Steve's room.

"You seem upset I'm here." Dani sighs, looking up at Bucky in the hallway. "And you dropped my hand when you were talking to Steve."

"I'm sorry," Bucky groans, running his hand along her arm. "I was just trying to appear professional. That's all."

"Okay." She nods, not fully convinced as she points down the hall. "Well, I have a meeting with Fury, so I should go."

Bucky watches her hesitate before she turned to walk away from him and he grabbed her hand, pulling her to his chest hard. "Not without a kiss, doll." He smiled at her small giggle as he wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips finding hers.

Dani moaned softly against his mouth before eventually pulling away. "I'll see you later, James."

Steve glanced up from his book as Bucky entered his room once more, this time alone. He sighed, closing his book to set on the nightstand. "So... Dani, huh?"

"I didn't realize who she was," he groaned, taking a seat beside Steve on the bed. "I'm not sure it's a good idea, really."

"What isn't?" Steve sighs, putting his arm up as Bucky moves to rest against his chest. He groans softly when he feels Bucky run his hand up his shirt to play mindlessly with his chest hair.

"Having Dani here... with you."

"It's fine, Buck. You really like her?" He asks the question, not really sure which answer he wanted more.

"I do, actually," Bucky answers hesitantly.

Steve glanced down to find Bucky watching him. "Then what's the problem?"

"I love you, Steve. How are we supposed to keep up our relationship with her here every day, too?"

Steve sighs. "I love you too, Buck. But maybe we shouldn't keep it up with her here. You said you really like her, right? So... pursue that. It's fine." Steve chuckles as Bucky looks at him confused. "Dani was actually the girl that Natasha was wanting to set me up with."

Bucky laughs as he stands up beside the bed. "Really? I have some stuff to do. I really wish I could stay."

Steve stands up with him with a shrug. "Sure. I think I'm going to go work out. But first..." He pulls Bucky to him, keeping his body pressed firmly against his. "A kiss?"

Bucky smirks, nodding his agreement. "You say we shouldn't keep this up and then you say you want to kiss me?"

Steve laughs, wrapping his arms tightly around Bucky's back. "Are you saying that you don't want to kiss me?" He began to pull away as Bucky groaned, pulling him back to him as Steve laughed. "That's what I thought." He feels Bucky's hand firmly on the nape of his neck, pulling his lips to his. Steve groaned as Bucky brought his flesh hand to his growing bulge, rubbing it firmly on the outside of his jeans. Steve quickly undid his pants, pushing them down to his knees as Bucky gripped Steve's cock firmly in his hand. "You can't be kissing me like that and touching me like that, Buck..." Steve received no fight as he grabbed Bucky's raven hair, pushing him onto his knees as he guided his mouth onto his cock. "Fuck..." Steve moaned. "That's it, take it."

Bucky moaned around Steve's cock, the vibrations sending shockwaves through his body. He rested his hands on Steve's thighs, taking him to his throat as Steve hissed, gripping Bucky's hair tighter.

"You're going to make me come," Steve groans, looking down to find Bucky's eyes on his. He clenched his jaw as his cock disappeared into Bucky's mouth, stifling a moan as he spurted hard into Bucky's mouth. He hissed as Bucky continued to suck, finally pulling off with a pop and a chuckle.

"What was that?" Bucky grinned, standing up as he rubbed his own cock through his jeans.

"Your kiss." Steve shrugged, fastening his pants. "Your touch. I couldn't help myself. As if you didn't enjoy it..."

"I always do." Bucky laughs, resting his hand on Steve's chest. "I do actually have to go though. I'll see you later, Steve." He presses a kiss to Steve's lips before walking away, stopping at the door at the sound of Steve's voice.

"Sleep with me tonight," Steve asks, hopeful, as Bucky nods, turning back to him.

"I'd like that."

"Wait... Buck?" Steve approached Bucky, placing his hand on his cheek. "We'll figure out the Dani situation, I promise. It will be fine."

Bucky nods with a sigh. "Sure, Steve."

Steve watched him leave, knowing that he wasn't really convinced, and truth be told, neither was Steve. But he knew that it had to be okay because he knew that he needed Bucky.

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