Chapter 12

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Bucky wakes up with a groan, engulfed in heat as he feels both Dani and Steve laying on his chest on either side of him. He had grown accustomed to how each one smelled and felt. He smiled down at Steve on his left and Dani on his right, both snuggled to his chest with their legs draped over him. They both held onto his one good hand, and he realizes the heat he feels isn't just body heat, but love. If he had learned anything from both Steve and Dani, it was that love burned hot, and like the heat of the sun; it never went out. His eyes welled with tears as he muttered out a small, "punks."

Dani giggles, looking up at Bucky as he turns his head toward her. "We love you too, Jerk."

Bucky chuckled at her green eyes opening into his as she brought her hand up to his cheek. "I love you too, doll."

"Everything's going to be okay, Buck. Just sleep."

Bucky nodded, kissing her forehead as she moved her hand to Steve's arm, and he rested his head on Steve's head on his chest.


Dani woke up to the feeling of someone watching her, her eyes snapping open to find that they were no longer alone. She reached over to place her hand on Steve's cheek. "Steve, babe. Wake up." She watched him jolt awake, also aware of not being alone as he leaped out of the bed. The movements wake Bucky up as well as he sits up and Dani stands up on the other side of the bed as Steve. She smiled at Steve as he threw on his shirt, drawing his eyes away from the Avengers that stood in the room. Though none of them appeared to Dani to need an explanation, Steve looked embarrassed. She sighed, walking around the small bed to grab his hand. "Steve," she whispered as she locked eyes with him and he nodded.

Steve squeezed her hand, bringing it up to his lip to press a kiss on the back of her hand before turning to everyone else. "Bucky and I are both in a romantic relationship with Dani." He hesitated, looking at both Bucky and Dani as Bucky smiled back at him. He sighed, looking back at everyone again. "As well as each other. And we have been, pretty much our whole lives."

Dani smiled, feeling both Steve and Bucky visibly relax as she saw everyone else smile back at them. Natasha came up to Steve first, patting him on the arm. "We know. We were just waiting until you were comfortable with talking about it."

Tony laughed, shaking his head, amused. "You think we haven't seen you guys making googly eyes at each other over the years?" He patted Steve on the chest. "You found your way of sticking it to Hydra."

"Tony!" Natasha and Dani both shouted in unison as Steve turned a bright shade of scarlet. Dani looked at Bucky who had his head hanging down, stifling his own laugh. She shook her head, moving away from the super soldiers to shoo everyone. "Okay. Everyone get out."

"Wait." Tony holds his hand up. "Shuri is here to measure Bucky's arm so they can make him a new vibranium one."

Dani rolls her eyes with a sigh. "Fine, everyone but Shuri, get out." She cocked a brow at everyone hesitating before turning to leave as Steve squeezed her hand.

"I have to go and talk to Fury and Tony. And I want to shower. I'll see you guys in a bit?"

Dani nodded with a smile, glancing at Bucky to find him a little annoyed to be poked and prodded at. She looked back at Steve. "I'll take him up to his room and get him cleaned up when we're done."

"I'll meet you guys up there." He brings her hand to his lips once more before shooting a smile at Bucky and leaving them alone with Shuri.


Dani led Bucky back to his room after what seemed like forever with Shuri. He was tense when she opened his door, leading him inside before shutting the door. "They're just worried about you, Buck. I know it's a lot. We all love you."

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