Chapter 8

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Dani wakes up in the morning to the light in her eyes, Bucky still sound asleep beside her. "James," she whispers to no response. She smiles, pulling the blanket down as she straddled him, eliciting a small moan.

"Doll, what are you doing?"

She giggled, removing her shirt just as Bucky's eyes fluttered open, falling onto her breasts. "I want you."

Bucky sat up to wrap his arms around her waist, feathering kisses along her neck to her jaw. He grabbed her to turn and pin her onto the bed under him.

"Now you're getting it."

He moaned, trailing kisses down her collarbone, between her breasts to her stomach. He ran his fingers gently into the band of her panties, sliding them down slowly as he removed them. She watched him stand up to remove his own before rejoining her back on the bed beside her. He brought her hands above her head, pinning them with his flesh hand as he lay on his right side. She felt him bring his metal hand to her thigh, running his fingers gently up and down her inner thighs.

She groaned, thrusting her hips up, begging for more. "Why you tease me, James?" He only chuckles as he runs his middle finger along her slit, lingering at her clit as he rubbed, gently. He brought his mouth back to her shoulder, moving down to her left breast as he tongued the nipple, taking it into his mouth firmly, making her arch her back. She glanced down at his already throbbing cock as a small pearl of precum collected at the tip. "James..."

Bucky chuckled at her whimpering his name. "Tell me what you want doll. I want to hear the words."

"I want to feel you, James," she begged. "Please." She smiled as he released her hands, moving to kneel between her legs, running the tip of his cock along her slit. She groaned again, wrapping her legs around him as he plunged inside her, falling on top of her. "That's better," she breathed with a gasp as he moaned, nodding.

"Better," he agrees. "I love you, doll."

She doesn't respond, pulling his mouth down to hers as she felt his pace quicken, bringing his metal hand down to her hip. He kissed and nipped at her neck and chest, teasing her nipples as she moaned loudly.

Bucky placed his metal hand over her mouth to stifle her moans. "Shh." He rolled her nipple between his teeth with a chuckle as she bucked her hips up to him. He moved his mouth to her other nipple, doing the same as he thrust into her harder, her moans becoming louder as she gripped his hair with one hand, her other hand on his metal wrist. He knew she wouldn't last much longer as he removed his hand to place his mouth over hers, his tongue finding hers as her hands dug into his back. Bucky groaned against her mouth as he felt the orgasm rock her, her pussy clenching tightly around him. He grunted through his own orgasm before collapsing on the bed beside her.

Dani stared at the ceiling beside him, panting when she hears him chuckle. "What?!" She rolls to face him as he shakes his head, laughing.

"You and Steve, you both always wake up horny in the morning."

She laughed, looking back at the ceiling again. "Well, that's good to know. Would you prefer it if we let you sleep?"

He grins, rolling to face her with his head propped up on his hand. "Maybe."

She giggled, opening her mouth to say something just as they both heard a low rumble. "Steve is back." She sat up on the bed as he did the same. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and meet you in the hangar?"

"Of course." He smiled at her as she leaped off the bed to pull on her panties and grabbed one of his shirts to pull on.


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