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George yawned quietly, stretching his arms in the air.
"God.. what time is it.." he whined, slowly turning himself over, looking for his phone.

He gently grasped his phone and pulled it towards him, checking the time.

1:03 am.

"Morning time..."
George yawned before trying to sit up, but a firm object kept him down on the bed.

"Mmm.." Dream pulled George closer to his chest.

George jolted, his tailed puffing out between him and Dream uncomfortably.
"What the..?"

He glanced over his shoulder and saw Dream resting his head comfortably on a pillow, his lips parted faintly as he drooled ever so slightly on the pillow.

George had a small smile creep up his face.
"Cute." His ears twitched when he slowly slid himself out from under dreams arms.

Dream mumbled before resting his arms on George's side of the bed.

George giggled before making his way towards the kitchen, god- he is starving!

George hummed as he walked into the dark lit space, walking over to the fridge.
"Hopefully my sushi is still good!" His tail waved back and forth.

"Bro.. you need to eat more then just sushi!" Someone yawned, stretching there arms in the air.

George jolted before quickly turning around, his ears pinning to the back of his head.

"Chill.. it's just me." Sapnap yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"OW- FUCK!" He stubbed his toe on the kitchen island.

George broke into a small giggle, his ears peeking back up, realizing it's only Sapnap.

"Shut up." Sapnap grumbled, flicking the light on.
"What are you even doing awake this early..?"

"I usually wake up early in the morning- or well.. day..?" George shrugged, sliding his hands into his pockets.
"It's normal for me."

"Oh yeah- you haven't really been here a full week." Sapnap blinked, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yet.. some how.. your already dating Dream." He cocked a brow.
"How did that even happen? Dream didn't tell me.... that Fuckin asshole."

George smiled a bit.
"Well.. I got nervous and ran off like you remember.." he sighed, rubbing his arm.
"But dream came after m-"

"I want the entire story- including laser tag." Sapnap walked over to a cupboard, finding a box.
"I'll make Mac and cheese while you explain it."

George nodded before walking around the island and taking a seat before explaining.
"Well.. in laser tag I hid in a dark spot and Dream was walking by and I teased him a bit... then-"

He frowned a bit, still feeling guilty about it.

"Then he confessed that he liked me and I was so happy in that moment.. but it quickly faded when I remembered I'm basically a freak- so I just hid in a corner and cried." George mumbled quietly.

"Dam." Sapnap frowned, glancing his shoulder over at George.

"But after when we got home.. I thought he wouldn't want to talk to me..  but- I thought wrong." George had a small sigh, sitting himself up.
"Dream walked in and saw me well- like this and I got really scared... I packed my things and fled out the door and hid in the alley way."

"Yeah- I remember that." Sapnap nodded, grabbing the box of Mac and cheese.
"He ran after you so fast." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm glad he did.." George's tail swayed back and forth.
"He found me.. and stopped me from going- he told me he loved me for me and kissed me." He purred to himself, his tail swaying more.

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now