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This is the second last chapter.

I've lost motivation for this story and I'm very sorry to those who like it, I will make small one shots later on.

But i decided to end it and replace it with another story to work on.


'Anways... How's George...?' Karl had a soft look.

Dream glanced over, seeing George sleep happily.
"Think he's doing well now.. but I don't know.." he kissed the top of his head.
"We haven't gotten the chance to sit down and firmly talk things out- only a little bit."

'I'm really sorry about before though- I didn't realize it was... how do I explain it... oh!something he was born with- I'm sorry, I really am..' Karl didn't know how to explain it.
'But I promise His secrets safe with me... I'm just- sorry how things ended up... is he gonna return back to florida..?.. or will he stay in the Uk..?'

Karl wanted to be able to fix the mistake he made with George- he didn't want to ruin there friendship over something like that.

Dream nodded, rubbing George's back.
"I don't know, it's up to George wether he forgives you." He looked back at the monitor.
"I can't forgive you in his place- and I don't have the heart to wake him up.. I will let you know thou-"

Before he continued speaking- George secretly tugged on his arm- nudging his chest.. he wanted to go.

Dream quickly knew what to do- he had to leave the call for George.
"Well- I'm probably gonna bring George to bed then get our food for later... i should be going then." He hummed, looking back- quickly ending the call.
"I'll catch you all later" he waved his friends goodbye.

Karl and Sapnap both waved, nodding- they were both confused.

Dream soon left the call, turning off the pc.
"You alright George...? Did something make you stressed..?" He spoke softly.
"Or did I say something wrong..?"

"Mm.. no." George mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"I just.. I wanted to talk with you and didn't know how long you will be.." he looked up, yawning.
"Since we didn't get the time to talk before.."

"What do you want to talk about..?" Dream tilted his head, smiling softly.
"Is it important..? Or do you just want to have a conversation " He adjusted George, humming. He didn't mind ending his conversation with Sapnap and Karl to talk to George.

"I just.... I was wondering something..." George flicked his ears, sitting up.
"should I return back with you to florida...?" He mumbled quietly.
"I'm... I just- I'm nervous on returning now after I made a scene.."

"It's alright."
Dream hugged George, resting his head on George's, kissing his forehead soon after.
"It's entirely up too you George, if you want to go or not... I will still love you with either option you choose-" he was hoping George would return with him, but he wasn't forcing him to come back.

"And for instance-... if I didn't go back... how would our relationship go." George spoke even more quietly, his ears pinning back.
"Would it just... be online then..?" He didn't want an online relation ship- and he can't just force Dream to live here after all he's done to help him and make sure he's okay.

"No- I wouldn't think so, it would only be partially online." Dream shook his head carefully, ruffling George's hair.
"I would obviously visit every month for a week- I can't be apart from you that long." He stood up, carrying George with him carefully.
"Don't worry George.. I'll always figure out something for us.. alright..? If it doesn't work out that weekly thing."

George nodded, hugging Dream tightly.
"Okay.." he flicked his tail, nuzzling dreams chest.
"We will figure something out- hopefully"

Dream carefully placed george on the bed.
"Why don't you want to return...? Does Karl make you uncomfortable there...?" He tilted his head, sitting down next to george.
"I'm not forcing an answer or anything- I'm just wondering."

George shook his head.
"No- I'm just.. scared I'll make a mistake." He hugged his tail, curling into a ball.
"I don't want to destroy anything- or mess up anything again- since I destroyed your stuff and you didn't tell me."

"I'm not mad you destroyed my stuff George." Dream ruffled the top of George's head, shaking his head.
"I don't think you did other then my chair-? And my chair still works perfectly fine." He had a soft look... smiling.

George was still skeptical.
"I don't know, I think I might stick with staying here... I feel more comfortable here right now in my own home.." his ears flattened, wincing faintly.
"I won't destroy anymore of anyones things and I'll be away from everyone."

Dream frowned a little, nodding.... He didn't want to be away from George.
"If that is your choice too stay...then I'll respect it." He didn't want George to stay- he wanted to bring George with him back to florida and show him it was I'll be okay.
"I'll figure out what days I need to come back and visit.."

George glanced up at Dream, he knew Dream didn't like his choice.. he didn't like his choice either.... He wanted to go back- but he didn't want to do something wrong.

"I'll always have a spare room for you just in case if you ever want to visit me in Florida." Dream spoke quietly, lightly nodding.
"I'll always have everything set up for you." He looked down at his phone, checking for there food order.

George's gaze softened, he could tell how much Dream wanted him back in Florida- he knew he wouldn't be able to handle a online relationship- neither would himself.
"If I returned.. Would I still have my room to myself...? Or would I have to share a room with you or Karl"

"Mhm- it still will always be your room." Dream smiled, nodding.
"Only you will sleep in there, Karl can just share a room with Sapnap." He pat the top of George's head.
"And you can sleep with me when you want too."

"And you will tell me if I ever do something wrong..? And It affects you or anyone" George mumbled, flicking his tail faintly.
"Instead of telling Sapnap or Karl... and not me..." he winced, remembering how hurt he felt when he walked in on them talking.
"I want to fix it.."

"I promise, I always will." Dream slid his hand into George's, squeezing it faintly.
"Don't feel forced because of me on going back.." he kissed George's cheek softly.

"Then.... I want too go back-... even though my head is telling me no and to stay." George squeezed dreams hand back.
"My heart is telling me too go... because I won't be able to handle the online relationship.." he leaned into dreams shoulder.
"I want to return with you and stay with you, you make me happy..."

Dream wrapped his arm around George.
"If that's your decision, we can return back." He kissed George's cheek, he felt instantly happy.
"We can book a ticket for you at the end of the week."

George shook his head.
"No.. I need to stop being childish-" he sat up, continuing staying next to dream.
"I'll buy us both tickets for tomorrow- and I'll be brave and go back tomorrow.

Dream smiled, ruffling George's hair.
"Then we should get started packing if we are going tomorrow." He looked around.
"Since we are going to need to pack a lot- I could bring luggage with me since I didn't bring anything with me."

George nodded, his smile growing.
"Alright!" He was excited to return home, his home with Dream.
"We should get started then."

"I'll buy the tickets now then." Dream pulled out his phone.
"Oh- the foods here, I'll go get it whilst I buy the tickets." He stood up, typing on his phone.

"Okay! I'll start packing then!" George perked up, standing up.
"I'll find up some stuff." He looked around, walking over to his closet.
"And my blob plushie."

"Mhm- we should be quick cause we have a flight tomorrow at 11am." Dream looked back at George before making his way out.
"It doesn't Take long to buy tickets."

"Alright!" George began to grab some clothes, picking different items.
"Maybe things won't be so bad this time..."

Total word count: 1406

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now