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Short chapter- because it fits


George sat in the Uber, having his suit case rest in front of him.... This was an awkward situation.

The driver glanced back, seeing George awkwardly sit in the back.
"So.. how are yo-"

"I'd prefer not to talk.." George politely declined, glancing out the window.
"Sorry... I'm not- in the best of spirits."

The driver huffed before continuing driving.
"Whatever- where is the destination...?" He huffed, gripping the wheel with annoyance.

"You can drop me off at #### ##" George mumbled, watching as the driver typed into the dash pad.. god- maybe he should have just taken the bus...

The drive was silent and awkward-

Every single time the driver spoke- George either mumbled or didn't answer... he didn't think he should.

After awhile they finally made it to the destination.

George slid out of the Uber, pulling his suit case out with him.
"Thank you.." he handed the random a 20$ bill.... He deserves it after not speaking to him the entire drive.. he was scared.
"I'm sorry for the troubles- I'm not in a good mood."

"Whatever weirdo." They grabbed the bill and quickly drove off.
"Asshole." He mumbled before driving away fast.

"Wait! Your door...." George slowly sighed, looking down.
"Is...Open..." he mumbled, sighing faintly..... god who even cares at this point.

He felt tears prick his eyes as he glanced over at his home- it was quite far away from any other house... but it's all he had.

"Home.... Sweet home.. i guess " George whimpered as he walked over to his home, gripping the suit case tightly as he did so.
"This is all I need.." he moved a rock over on his way, grabbing the house key before unlocking the front door.
"And all I have... and.. want.."

This was the last place he wanted to be- his home .. all alone and hiding from everything- yet again... like he always does- and like the coward he is.

He walked into his home, locking the door behind him.. making sure it's locked before continuing further in.

"Stupid fucking.... Features." George grabbed his beanie and threw it off with anger, taking off his other gear before kicking his suit case.
"Stupid- stupid! STUPID!" He began to tear up, breaking down crying as he regretted his actions.
"I hate this place!!"

He quickly abandoned the suit case, running into his room before collapsing on his bed.. he hadn't been able to lay in his bed for weeks-

George gripped his ears, tucking into a ball as he cried- shaking his head repeatedly.
"I.." he had no one to talk too- he was by himself... again- but this time by his own choice.
"I'm a freak- a freak of nature.... A terrible thing.."

He couldn't even hold onto a happy relationship without doing something wrong... he was terrible! And a coward.. a pussy.

George soon felt a wave of anger- angry in everything... angry in himself- at Dream.... at Sapnap.. everything.
"I don't want to be this anymore!! I want to be normal!" He looked at his claws before scratching the pillow repeatedly before throwing it.
"I don't want to be a freak!! I want to be normal!! Like Dream! And Sapnap!! And Karl!!"

He flopped in his bed and continued crying his eyes out.. hugging his blob plushie tightly.. this is all he had left of Dream- and all he would want to remember without remember those words from Dream.

George whimpered as he curled into a ball, his tail wrapping around the blob plushie as he nuzzled into it.
"I'm sorry- I miss you.." he felt his cheeks wettin by his tears.
"I'm sorry i wasn't good enough and I was born like this."

He soon looked over at his pc....

"I don't want too.." George pulled the blanket over his head.
"I just... want to- sleep..." his sniffled, hugging his plushie tightly.
"And.. forget...."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream gripped sapnaps phone.. this was such a bad idea.. a terrible idea-
"God.. this is such a bad idea..." he looked up from his seat, leaning back in the first class seat.
"I shouldn't be doing this without a plan.."

He looked out the window... frowning- he was scared shitless- what if things go wrong..!

What if George just completely locked him

What if George abandons him in the middle of nowhere-

Dream sighed, resting his hands on his knees.
"Now... what do I even say-" he began to think out loud.
"Hey- I used sapnaps phone that tracked your location to find you! Can we talk?" He mocked himself.

'Your fucking sad.'

Dream perked up before he quickly looked at sapnaps phone- forgetting he was on a call with the raven haired man that started this all.
"I completely forgot about you..." he awkwardly chuckled.
"Sorry- I'm focusing on George too much- I forgot I was on call with you"

'Yeah yeah- call me once you get there' sapnap scoffed through the device- hanging up soon after.

Dream rolled his eyes before looking out the window.
"I will fix things..." he muttered, shaking his head.

He soon decided to rest... as- this will be a very... very... long flight...

.: George POV :. 12 hours later.

George gripped his ears- hearing an echo.
"No... I want to sleep..." he curled himself in a ball... growling.
"Shut up..."

But he continued hearing the echo- it was driving him insane! It was like foot tapping on concrete.

George growled more as he quickly got out of bed, trying to find the sound as he tiredly wandered the house.
"God.. what is that noise...!!" he quickly walked to the front door.
"They should have at least some respect!!"

After the echoing stopped.. he heard a knock at the door- who the hell is at his house at this hour!!! Whoever it was there insane!!

George was puzzled- what was it..?
"Huh..?" He reached over, grabbing a random beanie to put on before opening the door.

He put his beanie on before opening the door... who the fuck was annoying the shit out of him at this hour.... I swear if it's that stupid Uber driver from before... I am going to lose my mind.

"What do you..." George slowly cut himself off as he noticed the familiar individual in front of him.
"Want...." His eyes widened... what..

"Hi..." Dream awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"Found.... You...?" He mumbled quietly- embarrassed.

"What are you doing here..."

Total word count: 1123

This story is probably going to be roughly around 30 chapters long- as I need to start ending stories- so I can post other ones ;w;

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now