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George quickly backed up, his eyes widening... how in the fuck.. did Dream find him.
"What are you doing here-" he stuttered faintly as he stared at the Floridian.
"You shouldn't be here."

"Well....You... you left without a word and you deleted my contact.... I had no other choice but to come find you." Dream mumbled, rubbing his arm awkwardly.
"I was worried and I had to talk to you."

"I left for a reason! I wanted to get away from you!" George felt his tears prick his eyes, remembering dreams words from that night.
"And everyone else.." he shook his head slowly.
"I just.. i don't... want you here.."

It hurt George to say it.. as he did, he very much did want Dream here.

Dreams gaze softened, looking at the brunette.
"I'm sorry...." He muttered quietly, lightly shaking his head.
"I am sorry what I said- I didn't mean it... I was- really hurt when you said the date was a mistake.. and I got.. angry because of everything that happened..."

George's gaze softened but he shook his head.
"I think I'd prefer if you'd leave back to florida.." he whimpered, glancing back.
"I'm sorry, but I want to be alone."

"Yeah... that's a problem..." Dream muttered under his breath.
"My uh..ticket back home is in a week - and I didnt exactly.. bring anything..." he didn't really think this through.
"With..... me.."

George stared at the blonde like he was a fucking idiot- wanting to slap him across the face.
"You.." he pinched the bridge of his nose, moving to the side.... He can't exactly abandon dream in the middle of nowhere.
"You sleep on the couch.. but don't talk to me.. not at all unless it's important.."

Dream lightly nodded, looking down at the ground.
"Okay..." he mumbled- he didn't really think this through.

George walked inside, throwing off his hat before walking towards his room.
"Just..Don't wake me up..." he mumbled quietly-

"Can we... talk first..? Even if it's for a little" Dream walked into the brunettes home, closing the door behind him.
"I just want to... fix things..?" He muttered quietly- looking over at George.
"So we can be... friends..? Still..?"

"I'm not going back to florida.... It's not my place to be there anymore" George turned around, seeing the guilty ridden face on Dream.
"I'm staying in the Uk where I will be safe from all your stupid experiments of testing cat things on me.." he wanted to keep himself safe now.
"And a plus side- I'm also not scratching and destroying everything you own"

Dreams eyes softened- he didn't mean that when he said it.
"That was Sapnap doing the stupid experiments.. it wasn't me.." he pointed to himself as he walked over to George.
"I promise that won't happen- and I don't care how much stuff you ruin.. I always can get it back."

George shook his head, walking towards his room.
"I just want to live my life in peace and alone.." he took off his beanie, tossing it away.
"So let me live it and you can find yourself I happy lover that you can do things with."

Dream frowned as he watched George walk away.. he has a week to fix things between him and George- or it will be too late.
"Oh...Goodnight...?" He Mumbled, rubbing his arm awkwardly.

"Night." George mumbled before disappearing into his room.

Dream sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.. how was he supposed to fix this?!
"God damn it.." he looked around.. this was not how he wanted to end things-
"I fucked up."

At least The place was a lot cleaner then he thought it would be... but somethings were a mess.

"Maybe... I can help clean some stuff around..." Dream looked around some more.. he could help out.
"This is going to be a long night." He sighed, walking over to the kitchen.

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now