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"Either you come down, or I'm coming up there." Dream pointed at George, walking up to the dresser.
"And I'm being serious.. you need a bath-
Your tail will literally get stuck to everything."

George looked around as his options.. he could just.. jumped.
"Mm.. no." He pinned his ears back.
"I'm not coming down- nor are you coming up."

Dream had an unimpressed look- but when he least expected it.. George jumped over him onto the ground.. instantly dashing off... that little.

"HOW THE FUCK." Dream quickly turned around, running after George... but once he did- he was tripped.

Once George ran out, he held his tail close to the ground to trip Dream- and it succeeded.

Dream felt right into the hall, landing in the middle.
"FUCK!" He fell onto his chest.

George giggled before stepping over Dream.
"You snooze.. you lose." He ran his tail under dreams jaw before walking over to his room.
"I think I'm gonna have a nice nap, especially that you have a lock on your door."

Dream cussed under his breath, pushing himself off the floor and back onto his feet with great haste.
"You Little fucking shit." He mumbled, shooting a look at George.

.:George and Dream POV .:.

George had a satisfying hum, smacking the top of dreams head before closing the door-
"Bye bye." He lightly chuckled.

But before he fully closed it, Dream put his foot in the door- blocking George from closing it all the way.

"Oh hell no." Dream pushed the door open, having a pissed off look.
"We aren't done Georgie- I'm not letting you get sticky shit in my bed because you refuse to not bathe"

George jolted, turning around.
"How did you get up so fast?!" He puffed up.
"And how did that not hurt??"

Dream closed the door, walking over to George.
"You have gotten on my last nerve now." He said firmly.
"You know that."

George felt his tail drop to the ground, but before he could down anything.. Dream pinned him down onto the bed- making him yelp and begin to panic- he didn't know what to do...

"Now, what is your next move little Georgie." Dream held George's hands above his head.
"There's not much you can do in this position." He leaned over.

George looked up at Dream, getting an idea.
"Yeah- there is something I can do." He tucked his tail around the back of dreams head.
"There's always something I can do."

Dream cocked a brow- but before he knew it, George pulled his tail down, making him lose his grasp on George's hands.

"I got you!" George hugged Dream head, he knew this was his weakness.
"Mine." He held dreams head to his chest.

Dream blinked- he was, a tad bit shocked that was the stunt George decided to do.

George chuckled faintly- but when he thought he won.. Dream stood up, holding him tightly.
"What??" How could dream be able to lift him.

"George- you are the messiest person I've ever met, this is your third bath in like two days." Dream held George's tightly as he walked towards the bathroom.
"Plus- this wasn't a good idea for you."

"Okay!! Let's just wash my tail!!" George tried letting go, but Dream didn't let him go.
"Please- please no more-" he shook his head.
"I'll do anything."

"Mm.. no." Dream continued dragging George out of the room, holding him tightly.
"You smell of juice- which is not a good thing."

.: Bathroom :.

George sat slouched over in the empty dry bath, having a sad look.
"I don't want to do this." He blocked Dream from turning the water on.

"Look- you need many baths to get used to it.. plus- You probably haven't had this many baths in the spandex of a year." Dream sat next to the tub, covered in scratches.

"I don't like this place anymore..." George mumbled, frowning.
"I hate this place."

"No you don't." Dream lightly chuckled, shaking his head.
"You love it here." He smiled humbly.

"No, I don't." George hissed at Dream.
"Not if I have to have a bath every day, I'd rather move back home then be here."

"Well, your stuck here georgie- as you technically don't have a passport" Dream could let George stay here, yet it's probably illegal - as he technically didn't have a passport due to his cat features.
"And you need a passport in Orlando to go on an airplane."

George felt his heart drop, so he is stuck here- in Florida... which- isn't so bad, but still.
"I'm... stuck- in Orlando.." he mumbled, leaning against the wall.

"Oh come on! Orlando isn't that bad! Your here with me!" Dream ruffled George's hair, but.. that didn't make him feel better.
"What's wrong...? Don't you genuinely like it here...?"

"I do.. I do like it here- but my stuff.." George's gaze started to tear up.
"There's important things back home.. and I can't get it-" he was upset-

"Like what..?" Dream hummed, leaning against the cupboards... he could- maybe fly out there and get it himself.

"My pc- my little collectibles..." George named out a few things.
"My blanket-" he mumbled quietly.
"My plush..."

Dream cocked a brow.
"What plushie...?" He hummed, leaning closer... he had a feeling he knew which one,
"It wouldn't happen to be the open you ordered off my website a year ago."

George's face burned bright red- how did Dream know about that?!
"How do you know about that?! I thought you can't see who orders from you!" He shot a look at Dream.
"You said!"

"Well- I'm usually notified by email when someone uses that an exclusive discount..." Dream had a cocky look.
"And you just happened to use a special discount code.. that was specially given too you by yours truly."

George felt even more embarrassed by falling for dreams trick, he should have known when Dream gave him the code.
"Well- I want it back!" He sat in the tub.
"It means a lot to me."

"That specific one?" Dream slowly cocked a brow.
"Or any-"

George shrugged faintly.
"It doesn't matter.. I'm not going to be able to get it.." he mumbled to himself.
"I miss it- and I want it."

"Here- hold on for a moment!" Dream quickly left the room.
"I'll be back." He closed the door behind him.. in case George did try to escape.

George sat in the empty tub, glancing around- maybe.. he could escape.

he can leave before Dream makes him have a bath- but he might be planning to see if he escapes.

George sighed, sitting in the bath... maybe he should stay in the tub... he has been a bit of a pain in the ass recently.
"Fuck..." he sighed, his ears pinning down.

He should just deal with this.. again- make Dream happy.

Dream soon came back, holding 5 blob plushies.
"I have more if you want more- I have a tone in the basement!" He smiled- he thought George might enjoy them."
"There the nice ones."

George's ears perked up- there were so many.
"And- I can keep them...?" His tail swayed side to side happily.

"If you have a bath, yes." Dream stared at George, placing the plushies on the counter.
"You can have them all."

"Fuck." George slouched forward.
"Okay..." he nodded, he wanted the plushies- badly.
"I want them... I'll do it."

"Good- cause.. they are limited edition ones." Dream gave George a happy smile.
"I also have the jumbo one in the basement."

George whined.
"If I do this.. no more showers for the week." He mumbled, staring at the ground.
"And I want the jumbo one."

"Mmm.. deal." Dream nodded, smiling.
"Now- time to begin your little bath."

Total word count; 1303

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