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George's ears pinned back, staring in fear at Karl.
"Your... your not supposed to be.. here" he quickly looked at Dream and Sapnap.
"Did- you know he was coming?!"

"I-" Dream didn't even know Karl was even coming here-
"Sapn-" he was cut off when George quickly slid out of his grasp, tumbling back off the bed.

Karl was still in shock about George's features.
"Your-" he stared at George's ears and tail... was he some weird.... Freak...?

George began to panic more as he looked at Dream and Sapnap... did they know?!
"I-" he quickly got up and ran out of the room, heading towards his own room.

"George!" Dream quickly sat up, his gaze softening... this was not how there date was supposed to go.
"Fuck-" he ran his fingers through his hair.

Karl's gaze softened, looking over at Sapnap.
"I'm sorry- I thought this would be sapnaps room...." He looked back at Dream with a guilty look
"I didn't think-"

"It's okay.." Dream sighed, walking over to Karl... he couldn't be mad at Karl- he wasn't the one he should be mad at.
"Sorry- now wasn't the best time to introduce you to George irl." He gave Sapnap an annoyed look, pissed off look even.

Sapnap looked down in guilt- he didn't mean for that to happen- he was suspecting George to be in his room.
"Im sorry- I didn't realize-" Karl cut him off.

"Im sorry to interrupt... but was George in a .. costume..?" Karl was puzzled- and he was confused as well with all that just happened.
"Is that some weird thing he's into or-" he thought George was just into some weird kink.

"No." Dream said firmly, shaking his head.
"How long are you staying again...?" He tilted his head to the side... wondering how long George would be hiding.

"Sapnap said he talked to you- and said I could stay for a month or two..." Karl looked down, he was confused what was going on.
"He said it was alright with you! I'm so sorry!" He interlocked his fingers together stressfully.

Dream shot a death glare at Sapnap- he was fuming.
"Yeah- that's fine." He couldn't exactly kick Karl out now that he was here... it would be rude.
"But I guess since your staying here and I don't mean to come off rude but you need to keep your mouth shut about what you saw."

Karl was confused and a little shocked at dreams words.
"The costume thing..?" He blinked- he's barely even seen George.. his focus was on the ears of tail.

"It's not a costume- it's something he was born with Karl." Dream shook his head.. Karl's already seen it and he can't lie about it as he couldn't say it was a costume.
"He's part cat I guess you could say... and he doesn't want anyone knowing alright, that's why he's never shown himself and he's afraid your going to tell people."

Karl couldn't tell if they were fucking with him or not.
"Okay...?" He blinked.... He was utterly puzzled, placing over at Dream.
"Are you joking with me or- is this..?"

"No." Dream shook his head.
"I'm not.." he spoke in a semi serious tone- this wasn't a joke.. not at all.

"Yeah... he's not." Sapnap stared at the floor in guilt... this was his fault.
"I completely forgot about it and I invited you without thinking about George because I really wanted to meet you." He rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"George is part cat and that was his secret....
And now I think I made him upset by revealing it."

"YEAH! NO SHIT YOU MADE HIM UPSET! He's trusted us!" Dream snapped, pointing at Sapnap.
"You lucky if I'm able to even talk to him now!" He scrunched his nose.
"He probably thinks we invited Karl and told him about his secret and probably other people as well."

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now