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Bloop bloop.

George happily sat in the car, holding his feet paws happily.
"I'm so excited!!" His tail swayed back and forth.
"This is our first date!"

"Is it?" Dream looked over at George.
"I didn't think it was.. i thought we were only hanging out." He had a calm look, giving George a confused gaze.

George soon felt embarrassed- didnt Dream say with was a date?? Did he mix up his words.
"O-oh- sorry-" he mumbled quietly.
"I thought it was a date-"

"I'm joking with you Georgie- it is a date." Dream leaned over, placing a kiss on George's cheek.
"I am going to enjoy this date of ours- as long as you do." He only wanted to tease George and fluster him.

"Really??" George perked up, looking over at Dream... thank god he wasn't wrong about this being a date... that would have been embarrassing.
"I never been on a date before!" He purred, his tail waving back and forth.
"And I'm so excited! Especially because it's with you!"

Dream felt all giddy and happy- he got to take the most handsome boy he's ever met on a date! He can't screw up! This is his best chance.
"Me neither." He hummed, shaking his head.

"Yes you have." George's ears pinned down as he gave Dream an unimpressed look.
"You went on a date with fundy! That weird minecraft thing- this isn't your first date..."

"Yeah- but that wasn't a true date-" Dream softly chuckled, continuing to drive down the lonely road.
"Your my first date georgie." He smiled, ruffling George's hair whilst being mindful of his ears.

George smiled as he looked down.
"Yay!" he flicked his ears, giggling to himself.
"I'm excited then... cause your mine too!! I'm glad it's with you,"

Dream nodded as he drove forward,
"Don't worry- we aren't going anywhere in the open and busy- I know you don't like open places." He continued down the road.
"I was thinking somewhere nice and quiet just the two of us can go.."

He knew George hated going in open and public places.. so maybe going somewhere quiet and calm would be peaceful.

George nodded, his ears flickering.
"I'm excited to see where we go!" He glanced out the window.
"I hope we enjoy it! Just the two of us- peaceful."

Dream nodded... being anxious was an understatement.
"how about- we go to the park..? No one really goes there so late at night on a week day" he hummed, glancing at George.
"So it will be just us.."

George quickly nodded.
"I'd love to go!" He had a smile grow on his face.
"I love the park- even if I never go."

"Alright then!" Dream continued to drive down the road, making his way towards the park.
"I hope you enjoy it here." He hummed... he was terrified to himself.. he can't screw this up!
"It's pretty."

.: quick time skip :. 10-20 minutes later .:.

George leaned against the window, his tail swaying back and forth.
"Oh! It's so pretty!" He purred to himself, watching the lights as they passed by them.

Dream watched as George scattered around the car- moving back and forth from the front and back seat- he was happy.
"Enjoying yourself..?" He smiled, seeing George scatter around.

"Yeah!" George's ears perked up, looking around the place happily.
"So far I am enjoying myself!" He looked back at Dream, having a happy look.
"I have barely been in a car.. so whenever I am I get overly excited- sorry.. I usually hid it when I went in the car with you and Sapnap... I always got scared you guys would get upset."

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now