opening notes, etc.

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"Should the wide world roll away
Leaving black terror
Limitless night,
Nor God, nor man, nor place to stand
Would be to me essential
If thou and thy white arms were there
And the fall to doom a long way."

Stephen Crane, Should The Wide World Roll Away

< & >

{opening notes}

This story is going to be a bit dark, just warning you. I'm not going to get into details, but this one does get a bit darker than most Matthew fics. This is for a reason. The mature rating is mostly for Sydney's foul mouth, but that being said, it deals with post-traumatic flashbacks and instances of violence. 

This one follows the plot of "Chain of Gold," sometimes loosely, sometimes closely. Clearly, the plot of TLH is Cassandra Clare's, and so are her characters. I could never create something so magnificent. I do, however, lay claim to Sydney, and her connected original subplots and supporting characters. 

All the photographs that appear here (cover, title banners, Sydney's aesthetic) are mine. Music, and those chapter titles that are quotations, are not mine; attributions will be in the comments. Thanks to livvy_heronstairs for the second cover this book used (alas, I had to change it when this gained a sequel).

Also: Mirror Shards is separate from my genderbent TLH fic, Madman's Blues. However, I do reuse some of the original lore I created for that story. If you know, you know.

Thank you muchly for being the audience for whom entertain my vaguely insane thought experiments. Upvotes, comments, and constructive critiques are always appreciated! :)

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