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Hey, there, it's me again. 

So I finished Chain of Thorns

And it really, really tore me up. 

And yes, I know the fandom is divided, so feel free to discuss maturely in the comments, but I personally just really didn't like it. It was unsatisfying, it killed my favorite character, and it lacked the polish and excitement of previous installments. 

Hence, I feel kind of like I don't want to just leave this as it is anymore. I almost want to keep it going and show us how the narrative would have unfolded with Sydney in the picture. However, I don't want to write something that nobody ends up reading, and I'm quite busy at the minute, so I'm throwing it to you: if you've read this, and loved it, whether it's something that's been sitting in your library/reading list or you've just finished it today, let me know your opinion. Tell me whether you'd read a sequel if I wrote it, and if you would, whether you'd like to be updated if I do.

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