POEM 1: A lie

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Lying is an art.
Spoken apparently so smart.
To have the brain & the mouth co-ordinate without the heart.
Lying is an act of false redemption
With full satisfaction to one's self
To let another suffer.
To mine own, I carry life's produce.
Lying is an irony
It shows ones true heart
That hopes to see not.
The recipient takes off the path
She follows blindly...

The hallow life she should live for as long as possible

To lie is to bend the truth
But not enough proof
To extend the truth.
I'm staying up in the clouds to still be the truth.
Even after being bent...
Does that make her a lie?
To steal is to steal.
A stone is a stone.
A lie is a lie.
How good is the lie,"ILOVEYOU?"
When you don't even know if it's an act or art?
To every action there should be something to be catched.
To a lie
Are many strings attached.
For it has gone through reasons.
Crashing out with a reason not to reason.
Beware of a lying tongue
To its glow
Is a hallow life.
To every lie let in
Is a shadow of the life
That exists in a presence of it's light,
It's having to lie.


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