POEM 33: Ooops!

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I'm sorry...
I can't write poetry for you anymore.
You don't inspire me like you used too.
So I don't know...
I hope you live long to feel empty inside.
Find someone but I hope they lose all interest in you right after the 6th day of being with you.
I hope they treat you as bad as you treated me.
Every love you think you'll find?
You should never be enough for any of them!
I hope your friends call you out for the wrong things you said & I hope they all hate you and never believe a word that steps out of your mouth.
I hope you have night terrors about me.
I hope you'll have day terrors about me too.
Regret everything you ever did!
Come back crying pathetically
But I won't care...
No one will.
This is the last piece of paper that I'll use to write anything about you.

My love...
I hope you're unhappy,
I hope you live awfully,
I hope you're miserable till you're dead.

With hate & full on regret,

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