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She made a prayer to Jesus.
She cried.
She opened her chest for him to see.
She said things she never told a mortal soul to.
But yet again she fooled herself.
She wasn't praying to Jesus
She mistook Jesus for a man.
Scratch that
She mistook Jesus for a boy.
With his smile so bright, so perfect.
His words as soft and as sweet as a feeling she's had before.
He spoke, she listened foolishly.
She didn't know that he was a boy
He acted like a God!
And she was one of the many people that served him.
He had a whole nation of foolish girls like me serving him.
Girls that came from every province you could think of.
His a playful muse.
And I enjoyed playing games.
But in this game I lost.
I lost all my fair will.
Cause I did whatever the make up God asked of me.
It was like my eyes were covered in bleach.
Under some sort of spell.
I cried for help
And finally found Jesus
It's just another boy playing with my head.

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