ought to keep me concealed (just like i was a weapon) by BIlanvaneck on AO3

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yes okay its the same author BUT NOT THE SAME SERIES. IT'S JUST WYLAN AND JESPER. but also we got another one with jesper's gun up wylan's ass. this seems to be popular. NOT that i'm complaining. sooo yeah. gunplay, blood kink, dom/sub, rough sex, praise kink, all the good stuff.


3000 words


 One of the many, many privileges of dating Jesper Fahey, Wylan thought, was that their sex life was never boring. But every time they got back from a "difficult" negotiation (legal or otherwise), it was like someone had set Jesper's blood on fire. He became insatiable, barely making through the doors of the mansion before slamming Wylan against the nearest surface and kissing him like his life depended on it, all tongues and teeth and heat .

That's where Wylan found himself now, pinned up against one of the end tables lining the foyer. His thoughts briefly wandered to Jesper impulsively bending him over and fucking him right here, but that was a little obscene, even for them. Not because of their own sense of propriety, oh no, but because they had servants, servants who didn't need to see (or hear, for that matter, he knew damn well that he was loud) Wylan Van Eck being fucked over a table, lest the gossip spread to the other houses on the street. What a council meeting that would be.

So, Wylan and Jesper scrambled up the stairs two at a time, barely making it through the door of the master bedroom before Jesper was pulling him into yet another heated kiss, his long, dark fingers tangled in Wylan's golden-red curls.

Surprisingly, Jesper was the one to pull away first.

"I saw you staring at them." Jesper stated, in the same matter-of-fact tone he would use if he was telling Wylan that it might rain today, or that corn prices had gone up.

"What?" Wylan replied

Jesper took his revolvers out of his holsters, spun them before emptying the barrels, and then placed them on the nightstand. Wylan watched, in awe as always. What could he say? His boyfriend had very capable hands, and he used those hands to wield very capable guns, and yes, maybe he had fantasized about Jesper pulling him into one of the back alleys of the Barrel and pressing one of those very capable guns to his head while Wylan gave him a blowjob, and-

"My guns."

"What about them?" Wylan raised an eyebrow, trying to appear nonchalant, even as he felt his face heat up.

"Do they turn you on, merchling?" Jesper asked.

Wylan gulped. Leave it to Jesper to immediately go right for the metaphorical throat. He nodded, slowly, the tips of his ears turning as red as the rest of his face. What if Jesper thought it was weird? What if Jesper didn't want to have sex anymore? What if Jesper broke up with him?

Just as Wylan felt that familiar panic starting to take hold, he noticed that Jesper was looking him up and down, eyeing him like he had seen a particularly delicious plate of waffles, or a game of Three Man Bramble with hefty amounts of kruge on the line.

"Saints , Wylan, you could've said something. I would've been more than happy to oblige."

"You don't think it's strange?"

Panic flickered across Wylan's features again, but then Jesper closed the gap between them, pressing his hips flush against Wylan's. That's when Wylan realized that Jesper wasn't ashamed or angry, he was hard . Noticeably so, in fact.

"No, love, I don't think it's strange. Actually, I'm rather interested in experimenting with them, if that's alright with you."

"Ghezen , yes, that's alright with me, Jesper."

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