Part 96

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Das Klingeln meines Handys riss mich aus dem Schlaf. "Hello", sagte ich müde in mein Handy. "Kate, where the fuck are you", fragte mich Shay. "Home", antwortete ich. "You have an interview in exactly one hour! Hurry up", sagte sie. "Shit", murmelte ich und sprang aus dem Bett. "I will be there in half an hour. Text me the address", sagte ich hastig in den Hörer. "Ok, hurry up. See you soon", antwortete Shay und legte auf. Ich rannte ins Bad und sprang schnell unter die Dusche. Ich putzte mir die Zähne und lief zurück ins Zimmer. Ich zog mich in Rekordzeit an und föhnte mir kurz meine Haare und machte sie in einen Dutt. "Babe", hörte ich Lauren. Ich packte schnell noch meine Sachen in meine Handtasche. "Morning Laur", sagte ich zu ihr. Sie fuhr sich mit ihrer Hand durch ihre Haare. "I'm sorry that I woke you up but I have an interview in an hour", erklärte ich ihr. Ich rannte zu ihr und gab ihr einen Kuss. Ich nahm ihre Sonnenbrille von dem Nachtisch. "Hey, that's mine", sagte sie. "Not anymore. I have to look atleast decent when I arrive at the interview and not like I overslept", antwortete ich. "I think you look beautiful", gab sie zurück. Ich lächelte. "So I have to go. I love you and thanks for yesterday it was perfect", rief ich über meine Schulter, bevor ich nach unten rannte und mir ein Müsliriegel schnappte. "I love you, too. Take care and have fun", hörte ich noch Lauren rufen und ich schloss die Tür. Ich sprang ins Auto und gab die Adresse ins Nawi. Dann fuhr ich los. Ich drehte das Radio lauter, um etwas wacher zu werden. Nach ungefähr 20 min kam endlich an und ich lief ins Gebäude, wo ich schon von Shay und Madison erwartet wurde. Ich zog mich schnell um: schwarze skinny Jeans, rot-schwarz karierte Bluse und eine schwarze Mütze. Madison schminkte mich schnell und dann war ich fertig. Shay zog mich zum Raum, wo das Interview stattfand. Ich begrüßte den Interviewer. Er hieß Markus. Wir setzten uns hin und schon begann das Interview:

(Markus=M; Kate=K)

M: Good morning Miami! Today I have a special guest here. It's Kate Windslow. Hey Kate, how you

K: Hi Markus, I'm fine, thanks. How about you?

M: I'm good, thank you. So the world waited since two days. Two days since we saw a video where
Lauren proposed to you infront of 2000 fans. What was up there?

K: I had no clue that she would do that. I mean I stood backstage and the next second I know I was
on stage and she kneeled down infront of me.

M: There is a old video from you two exactly 5 years and two day old where you promised her that
you would say yes whenever she proposed to you. How does it feel to know that you two will
get married?

K: I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I can't describe how it feels to get married to the
person you really really love. Every girl is somehow excited about their wedding.

M: Do you know when the wedding is?

K: To be honest no. We didn't plan anything yet. We both are busy with interviews, concerts and
recording now but we will take our time to plan it. We both don't want it to be hectic and

M: I understand that. Let's talk about your music. Your third album dropped out last week and went
to number one in 65 countries. How does it feel to know that you're #1 in so many countries?

K: It's amazing to see that so many people still like my music and buy it. It's so cool and
unbelievable to see that you are number one in countries you never went to and that there a
people who actually love your music.

M: What can we expect in the next months?

K: I have a few interviews here in there in the next few weeks. I'm not allowed to say more. I'm

M: Don't apologize. I know that you would tell me if you were allowed to

K: True *lache*

M: The songs of your album are all pretty amazing. They are all about love and to have fun. I
especially love the one that called Nightingale.

My new best friend Lauren JaureguiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt